Celestial Objects
The Sun
The Earth
The Seasons
The Moon

This celestial object is made of ice, rock and dust and orbits the sun.  It also has a long, gaseous tail.

What is a comet?


The center of the sun is given this name.  It is the location of the majority of nuclear fusion.

What is the core?


This movement of the Earth is responsible for establishing the 24 hour day.

What is rotation?


This type of day in our seasonal calendar happens twice a year during the moderate seasons.  It is the day when we experience equal hours of daylight and night.

What is an Equinox?


This phase of the moon is the only phase that allows us to see a solar eclipse.

What is a New Moon?


This natural event is responsible for the large red spot on Jupiter.

What is a storm?


If we were to measure the distance from the sun to the earth in kilometers, we would arrive at this number.  We refer to this number by this specific name.

What is an astronomical unit?


The Earth's position in the solar system is the reason that it has many characteristics that permit life to sustain itself.  This, is the one characteristic that makes Earth stand out from all others.

What is liquid water?


In North America, we experience four different seasons.  The reason for our seasons can be explained by two factors.

What is the Earth's axis (23.5 degrees) and Earth's revolution around the Sun?


This phenomenon is the reason why we always see the same face of the moon from Earth.

What is the Earth rotating and revolving at the same rate?


This planet is known for having the fastest revolution around the sun.

What is Mercury?


When the sun eventually reaches the end of its life, it will first become this type of star.

What is a red giant?

This movement is the reason why the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

What is rotation from West to East.


When the Earth is tilted toward the sun, South America experiences this season.

What is winter?


The moon is not able to produce it's own light; however, we are able to see it.  This explanation is the reason why.

What is the reflection of the sun's light?

The moon is illuminated by the light of the sun


The difference between these two celestial objects respectfully, is that one is a piece of an asteroid, comet or planet and the other is a meteor piece that hits the ground.

What is a meteoroid and meteorite?


Because of the large density of the sun, when it reaches the end of its life, it will become this celestial phenomenon.

What is a black hole?


This is the phenomenon that occurs when the Earth is in the Moons shadow.

What is a solar eclipse?


This area of the Earth experiences the least amount of seasonal variation.

What is the equator?


This is the reason why we do not have a solar eclipse each time we have a new moon.

What is the Sun, Moon and Earth all on the same plane?


This is a collection of stars that form a pattern in the sky.  This specific pattern of stars forms a tool that you would use to consume a big bowl of soup.

What is the Big Dipper?


This natural phenomenon is the cause of a global communication outage.

What is Solar Storms?

The sun produces Solar Flares and Solar Storms.  If the solar storm collides with Earth, it could knock out all satellites and communicated methods Globally.


This feature of the Earth is responsible for creating the streak like pattern that we see through the Northern Lights.  It is formed by the materials that compose the core of the Earth.

What is the Magnetic Field? 


If the Earth was tilted at 90o instead of 23.5o, this would be the effect on the seasons.

What is, extreme seasons only at the poles, and moderate seasons closer to the equator?


This is the phases of the Lunar Cycle in order, starting from a new moon.

What is: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, 3rd Quarter, Waning Crescent