U.S. Historical Events
U.S. Presidents
U.S. Constitution

Proclaiming all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with unalienable rights, we celebrate this document on July 4.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


The 16th president of the United States who, as a young man, was widely known for his skills at wrestling and only one recorded defeat. In 1992, he was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Who is Good ol' Honest Abe, Abraham Lincoln?


The formation of the Constitution in this city has been referred to as a miracle for bringing together a union of colonies to form a more perfect union.

What is Philadelphia?


This battle was the decisive blow to General Lord Cornwallis's British troops leading to Britain's surrender and the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

What is the Battle of Yorktown (Virginia)?


These two presidents developed a close friendship and collaborated on the drafting of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Although they became political rivals for a time, they made amends later in life and both died within hours of each other on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 

Who are John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?


Known as the "Father of the Constitution"

Who is James Madison? 


Of the 13 original colonies, this colony chose not to participate at the Constitutional Convention, but would later ratify the Constitution.

What is Rhode Island?


In 1877, the founding fathers of the United States and other eminent men and women appeared to this President of the Church of Jesus Christ at the St. George temple requesting him to complete their temple work.

Who is Wilford Woodruff?


The Constitution created a separation of powers for legislative, executive, and judicial functions, but also created this division between the powers of the States and the national government.

What is federalism?