Words of The Day
Diets and Councils
Causes of the Reformation
More Important People

1. something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.

2. a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine

What is Anathema?


This Council famously dug up the body of John Wycliffe, burned his body and threw the ashes in the river.

What is the Council of Constance?

Martin Luther was particularly upset with this practice, the buying of forgiveness.

What are indulgences?


This person was a preacher in Florence and famously held "The Bonfire of the Vanities".

Who is Savonarola? 


This document, written by Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther as a Heretic.

What is the Exsurge Domine?


To perplex or entangle; to intermix in confusion

What is embroil?


This Diet convened to formalized protestant thought.

What is the Diet of Augsburg?


This person was considered Infallible, that means they were unable to make mistakes in matters of religion. 

Who is the Pope?


This person was granted safe passage to the Council of Constance where he was declared a heretic then burned alive. 

Who is John Hus?


This person earned the nickname "Bloody" for persecuting Protestants. 

Who is Mary Tudor. 


Making a loud outcry;clamorous; noisy

What is Vociferous?


This Diet withdrew the Edict of Worms, deciding to no longer enforce the rules. 

What is the Diet of Speyer?


This is the belief that the Eucharist is the real and actual body and blood of Jesus.

What is Transubstantiation?


This Dominican priest was in control of selling Indulgences in Germany and really made Martin Luther angry. 

Who is Jon Tetzel?


This writing by Teresa of Avila described the soul as a Castle where God lived. 

What is Interior Castle?


To publish; to make known by open declaration

What is promulgate?


This Diet decided that the Edict of Worms would be enforced.

What is the Second Diet of Speyer?


Priests were not following this vow, seen as essential to many believers.

What is the vow of celibacy?


This person was in serious debt to the Fuggers after buying 3 different positions to the Church. He was granted the ability to sell indulgences if he gave half the money to Pope Leo X.

Who is the Albrecht of Mainz?


This writing by Martin Luther accused the Church of keeping the sacraments for themselves and affirmed only 2 as being legitimate. 

What is "The Babylonian Captivity of the Church"?


Loyal and committed in attitude.

What is staunch?


This Council met over a span of 10 years and formalized Catholic Doctrine.

What is the council of Trent?


This led to Henry VIII starting the English Reformation, despite the fact that he was Catholic in belief. 

What is the pope refusing to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon?


This person was the leader of the Schmalkaldic League, a military alliance of Protestant Leaders formed to oppose Charles V.

Who is Phillipe Hesse?


Name the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church.

What are Baptism, Holy Orders, Communion/Eucharist, Anointing of the sick, Confession, Confirmation, Marriage?