Specials/ change of lights
Where is the light coming from?
General (2)

Which lantern creates a wash? We have 8 of these in the studio


If the lights suddenly go to blackout, what is this called?



What do you insert inside a lantern to change the colour?



I want to create a silhouette of a character on stage. Where should the lantern be?

Behind the actor - Back lighting them


True or false: If a scene between 2 people plotting a murder is set at night, one possible lighting state would be blackout with a dim parcan with a white gel to represent the moon

False. We wouldn't see the actors' faces


Which lantern allows you to attach barn doors?



What does a Gobo do and when may you use it?

It is a metal stencil that projects shapes/images on stage. 


What does a lighting designer do?

provide light, set location, time of day, mood, atmosphere. They support a production through being artistic and designing the lighting


I want to create interesting physical theatre/dance scenes to emphasise the actors' bodies and movements. Where should I put the lanterns?

Side lighting stage right and left


In a tragedy, what kinds of light (colours/intensity) tend to be used and why?

Cooler colours (blues, whites, purples) and harsh lighting to create shadows


What do Barn doors do and why might they be useful?

Create a square or rectangle of light on stage


If the lighting gradually changes from one state to the other without going to blackout, what is this called?

cross fade


You have a scene set in a garden at 10am in the morning. What lighting decisions might you make and where would these lights becoming from on stage?

greens and warm colours. A light yellow (morning sunlight) brighter on one side of the stage as the sun is low in the sky


In order to see an actor's face where does the light need to be coming from?

Front light (lanterns above the audience) 


In comedies, what kinds of colours tend to be used and why?

warmer colours, pinks and yellows. To create a happier atmosphere and to make bright costumes 'pop'

What lantern can you put a gobo into?

profile lantern


What are practical lights and give me three examples

actual light sources on stage (e.g torch, fire, candle, lamp post)


In the video, we saw a scene from King Lear set underground. How did the designer reinforce the idea this was set underground and what did they change as the actors started talking?

candlelight SL, moon light US. Intensity (brightness) increased as they started talking


Who does a lighting designer work with? (3)

Director, set designer and costume designer

Theatrical Lighting has 4 purposes. What are they?

 - to be able to see something on stage

- to create a specific mood/atmosphere

- draw the audience's attention to something

- create a specific date/time/location


You want to create a square of light (for a boxing ring) CS, and an amber spotlight SL. How do you do this? What lanterns/specials do you need?

Fresnel with barn doors toplighting CS, profile lantern to top light SL with an amber gel


I want to create flickering firelight or the lights for a police siren/ambulance. How would I do this?

A chase of different yellows/ambers for firelight or a chase of red and blue for police car/ambulance


In the example from ghosts, what did the lighting designer do with the picture on the wall? Can you guess what lantern they used?

they illuminated just the picture - profile lantern


I want to create a scene set at midnight in a wood. It is set in 1850. What lanterns, gels, specials and practicals would I use?

toplight hard edged spotlight, white gel from profile lantern. Gobo of trees. Wash of blue and white light from parcans. Practical of a candle or lantern.


Think of Dr Faustus getting dragged to hell. How might you light this, what lanterns/specials would you use and why

A logical and descriptive answer