Paying attention on purpose to what is happening right now.
What is mindfulness?
Two opposing truths that are true at the same time.
What is a dialectic?
Instead of isolating yourself after a relationship breakup, you could meet with friends, go outside, or do something positive for your mental health.
What is opposite action?
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfulness, Appear confident, Negotiate.
What does DEARMAN stand for?
This includes Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One thing in the Moment, Vacation, Encouragement
What does IMPROVE stand for?
Observe, Describe, and participate
What are three mindfulness what skills?
1)Solve the problem
2)Feel better about the problem
3)Tolerate the problem
4)Stay miserable
What are four possible actions to take in any situation?
Helps you take control of your emotions by focusing on the facts of the situation rather than assumptions or catastrophizing.
What is Checking the Facts?
Gentle, Interested, Validate, and Easy Manner
What does GIVE stand for?
Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, Movement
What are examples of how to self-sooth using senses
Non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively.
What are 3 mindfulness How skills?
Acknowledging and accepting oneself, especially one's thoughts and feelings, without judgement or second-guessing.
What is self-validation?
Consider how we might be prepared in some way to help reduce stress ahead of time.
What is Cope Ahead?
You use this when communicating to maintain your self-respect and you can still be truthful, and tactful, without sacrificing values or integrity.
When do you use FAST?
Observe that you are not accepting something, commit to accepting reality, and repeating these two steps over and over.
How do you Turn the Mind
What emotions am I feeling right now?
How intense are my emotions?
What thoughts or beliefs are contributing to my feelings?
What are prompts for mindfulness work / journaling work?
Focus on accurate reflection, restate what the person said, ask "is that right?". Take a non-judgmental stance toward the person and be matter-of-fact.
What is - How to validate someone else?
Consists of the following sequence: Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed mindfully
What is STOP skill?
Especially important for maintaining healthy relationships through effective communication. Communication is gentle, shows interest, validates, and is done with an easy manner.
When do you use GIVE?
To help cope with emotional distress without resorting to self-destructive behaviors and when feeling overwhelmed, stressed, irritated, or anxious.
When would an individual use half smile?
Emotion mind, Wise Mind, Reason Mind
What are states of mind?
"Actively doing what needs to be done so that you will have your needs met or in order to move closer to a certain goal" (Marsha Linehan).
What is the DBT skill of effectiveness?
Learning as much as you can about the subject in order to be well versed. Practice these things and in time, feel competent.
What is Build Mastery?
Achieving your objective (getting what you want), maintaining a positive relationship with the other person, and preserving your self-respect
What are the three primary goals of every interaction?
Accepting a situation as it is, even if it is not how you want it to be.
What is radical acceptance?