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Multi-step word problems
Extra challenge

A number plus 8 is greater than 11

What is x + 8 > 11?


On a train, your carry-on bag can weigh no more than 50 pounds. Your bag weighs 38 pounds. Write an inequality that represents how much weight you can add to your bag

What is 38 + w <= 50?


The quotient of a number and 5 is no greater than 450. What are the possible values for the number?

What is n/5 <= 450?


Your current balance in a bank is $320. You can't go below $100. Write an inequality that shows how many $20 bills you could withdraw from the account while maintaining the minimum balance.

What is $320 - $20(n) >= $100?


Chris wants to order DVD's over the internet. Each DVD costs $15.99 and shipping the entire order costs $9.99. If he can spend no more than $100, how many DVD's could he buy?

What is 9.99 + 15.99(d) <= 100?


A number minus 3 is at least -5

What is x - 3 >= -5?


You order a book that's $19.76. The site offers free shipping on orders of $25 or more. Write an inequality that shows how much more you need to spend to get free shipping.

What is $19.76 + a >= $25?


10 oranges can fit in a box, and there are less than 20 boxes. How many oranges could you have?

What is o/10 < 20?


The Yellow Taxi Cab Co. charges a $2.75 flat rate and $.65 for each additional mile. Emma has no more than $14 to spend on a ride. How many miles can Emma ride without exceeding her spending limit?

What is 2.75 + .65(m) <= 14?


There are three exams given in a marking period. Ryan received an 85 and a 91 on the first two exams. What grade must he earn on the last exam in order to get an average of no less than a 90 for the marking period?

What is (85 + 91 + x)/3 >= 90?


The difference of a number and 9 is less than 4

What is n - 9 < 4?


An NHL player has 59 goals so far this season. What are the possible numbers of additional goals the player can score to match or break the NHL record of 92 goals in a season?

59 + g >= 92


Ms Preuninger needs to give out at least 75 total cookies to her 15 students.

What is 15(c) >= 75?


One-fourth multiplied by sum of t and 9 is at most 9

What is 1/4(t + 9) <= 9?


The sum of two consecutive integers is less than 55. Find the pair of integers with the greatest sum.

What is n + n + 1 < 55?

6 is less than or equal to the sum of twice a number and 15

What is 6 <= 2n + 15?


Monday’s high temperature was 20°F. Tuesday’s high temperature was forecast to be no more than 8°F warmer than Monday’s high temperature. According to the forecast, what are the possible high temperatures for Tuesday?

What is t - 20 <= 8?


Mary and Susan are twins (so their ages are the same). Their ages combined are less than 64 years. Write an inequality that shows this

What is 2(a) < 64?


Half of 7 added to product of h and 4 is at least 1

What is 1/2(7 + 4h) >= 1?


The sum of two consecutive even integers is at most 400. Find the pair of integers with the greatest sum.

What is 2n + 2n + 2 <= 400?

A number plus 5 is less than 2 times that number

What is n + 5 < 2n?


In 2024, Charlie is c years old. Write an inequality that shows what in years (y) he'll be able to vote (Voting age is 18 years old)

What is y >= 2024 + 18 - c?


The rule for dating someone younger than yourself is that they should be more than 1/2 your age, plus 7. If your age is "a", and the younger person's age is "y", what does the formula look like?

What is y > 1/2(a) + 7?

The length of a rectangle is 4cm longer than the width. The perimeter is no more than 28cm. What are the maximum possible dimensions for the rectangle?

l = 4 + w

P = 2l + 2w
P <= 28
2l + 2w <= 28
2(4 + w) + 2w <= 28

What is 8 + 4w <= 28?


Find two consecutive integers such that 7 times the smaller is less than 6 times the greater. What are the greatest such integers?

What is 7(n) < 6(n+1)?