Mind Over Matter
Brain Power Tools
Memory Magic
Social Learning Smarts
Engage the Senses

This learning strategy encourages students to take short, active breaks to enhance brain function and focus.

What are brain breaks?


By having students mix subjects or problem types during practice, this method forces the brain to switch topics, building deeper problem-solving skills.

What is Interleaving?


This learning method requires students to recall information, often through quizzes, strengthening neural pathways and aiding long-term retention.

What is Retrieval Practice?


When students explain concepts in their own words, they deepen their understanding by personalizing the information.

What is Self-Explanation?


Engaging students with auditory, visual, and kinesthetic inputs during lessons enhances learning through multiple sensory pathways.

What is Multimodal Learning?


This process involves students planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own learning to enhance study habits.

What is Metacognition?


This technique of breaking down information into manageable units improves working memory and learning retention.

What is Chunking?


This method of spreading study sessions over time, rather than cramming, helps reduce forgetting and strengthen retention.

What is Spaced Practice?


This strategy uses peer teaching, group work, and discussions to activate social learning pathways and enhance comprehension.

What is Collaborative Learning?


This method encourages students to activate prior knowledge before learning new content to build stronger neural connections.

What is Schema Activation?


Teaching students about the importance of this habit enhances memory consolidation and learning outcomes.

What is Sleep and Memory Consolidation?


Creating these visual diagrams to organize knowledge spatially helps deepen understanding and memory.

What is Concept Mapping?


This strategy involves students rehearsing tasks mentally to activate the same neural circuits used during actual practice.

What is Visualization and Mental Rehearsal?


Using stories to convey lessons or concepts helps students retain information by engaging their emotions.

What is Storytelling and Narrative?


Adding elements of surprise or unexpected elements to lessons captures the brain’s attention mechanisms, improving focus and retention.

What are Attention Cues and Novelty?


This is a combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals. It involves maintaining effort and interest over time despite challenges, setbacks, or failures, emphasizing resilience and sustained commitment to achieving success.

What is grit?


This strategy uses both verbal and visual formats to present information, strengthening learning through multiple brain pathways

What is Dual Coding?


This is Lacey Lewellen's favorite fairy tale.

What is Cinderella?


Asking open-ended, thought-provoking questions encourages critical thinking and deeper cognitive processing.

What is Socratic Questioning?


This approach uses games to stimulate motivation and engagement by increasing dopamine levels in the brain.

What is Gamification?


With this mindset I believe that success only occurs if I have natural talent.

What is a fixed mindset?


This time management technique combines bursts of focused work with short breaks to help maintain attention and reduce fatigue.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?


(length * width)/2

What is the area of a triangle?


This mindset helps students embrace challenges, viewing them as opportunities for learning and improvement as they work through “not yet.”

What is Growth Mindset?


This approach uses auditory, visual, or even olfactory inputs to increase the chances of encoding information into long-term memory.

What is Multisensory Learning?