Harm Reduction
Serving Size

You should consider how these relate to your bigger-picture goals for your time at UAlbany

What are relationships, social life decisions. 


This is a safer way to get home if you’ve had ANY alcohol to drink.

What is use a ride share, bus, taxi, sober driver, walk? Just not drive!


This many servings of alcohol are typically in a mixed drink from a bar, like a vodka soda, rum and coke, or whiskey ginger

What is 1? 1 serving of 40% ABV liquor is 1.5 ounces


Coffee can help sober someone up.

What is myth? Time is the only thing that sobers up someone. Mixing stimulants (caffeine) does not "even out" the effects of depressants (alcohol).


BAC is an acronym for this.

What is blood alcohol content?


Some people may choose to use what while at UAlbany, and some may choose not to.

What are alcohol and substances

This strategy can help you know what is in your cup.

What is decline drinks for strangers, make your own drink, know serving size, measure


Drinks like White Claw and other hard seltzers, Corona, Miller, Keystone and others have this alcohol content.

What is 5% in a 12 ounce container. Beers, ciders, and seltzers that are 5% ABV have a serving size of 12 oz.


Dark liquor, get sicker quicker.

What is myth? The color of the liquid does not matter, what matters is the alcohol content (ABV)


The "buzz zone" is associated with feelings of euphoria, warmth and relaxation, as well as less shyness. This zone is in this BAC range.

.00-.05 BAC


Whether or not you choose to include alcohol as part of your experience, everyone can play a role in cultivating safer what

What are spaces, environment, places to live/work/play

This should be consumed before and while drinking to slow the absorption of alcohol.

What is food?

This many servings are in a pint of beer, like a glass from a bar.

What is at least 1.5. A pint is 16 oz, a serving size of 5% ABV beer is 12 oz, craft beers/ciders at 6-9% ABV is 9oz.


Time is the only thing that can sober someone up.

What is fact? Humans process alcohol at a pretty steady rate of 1 drink/hour.


In this BAC zone, we experience impaired reaction time, judgement, and muscle control. 

What is the Drunk Zone: .06-.11. This occurs when most people have had ~2drinks/hour, or multiple drinks over multiple hours.


This might influence what we think others are doing on the weekend.

What is media, social media, movies, TV, music


This is a good strategy to avoid peer pressure to drink more than you want.

What is setting a personal limit and sticking to it? Finding friend groups whose values align with your values.


This many servings is in a solo cup.

What is it depends! on the size of the cup, what is in it. Solo cups are often larger than 1 serving


Because of the Good Samaritan 911 Policy, if someone needs immediate medical attention, anyone who calls for help and anyone who receives emergency medical care is not subject to disciplinary sanctions for any violations related to alcohol or drugs.

What is fact?


This is a sign that someone has had too much to drink/their BAC is high and may need help.

What is you can't wake them up, cold/clammy/pale skin, slow/shallow/irregular breathing, vomiting while passed out


Most people ___ how much and often others use alcohol.

What is overestimate?


This strategy can help ensure that you stay within your limits and safer BAC zones.

What is count your drinks, drink on alcoholic drinks between alcoholic, 1 drink/hr


This is why it is important to know the alcohol content/percent/ABV of your drinks

What is to better be able to track how much you've drank and stay in safer limits


The Good Samarian Policy applies to only on-campus. 

What is false? It applies to students both on and off campus.


When someone's BAC is too high and they show signs of alcohol poisoning, you should help them. This is what you should do.

call 911, place them on their side, stay with them. NOT leave them alone, give them food, place them in a cold shower, let them sleep it off