Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

In the village of Green Hollow, a logging company clears a large forest area, destroying habitats and polluting nearby streams.

What is Ecological Responsibility?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

In the industrial area of Ironridge, workers at a manufacturing plant are forced to work overtime without pay

What is Rights and Responsibilities?

What is Economic Justice?


Define and describe 'Ecological Responsibility'

What is the Earth is sacred. All of creation has its own intrinsic value. We have a responsibility to protect and cherish the Earth’s ecological diversity, beauty and life-sustaining systems. Together, we must care for and protect our common home for future generations?


Which Catholic Social Teaching fits the following definition:

Peace is the goal of social life. Peace is being in right relationship with God and each other. Peace is the fruit of healthy communities and a sign of charity and justice in action.

What is Peace?

Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

In the city of Rivertown, the mayor approves a luxury condo project that displaces low-income families from their homes, prioritizing the profits of wealthy developers over the needs of the community, which leads to increased homelessness.

What is the Common Good?

What is Preferntial Option For The poor?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

A restaurant owner refuses to hire anyone who doesn’t fit a specific appearance standard.

What is Dignity of the Human Person?


Define and describe 'Common Good'

What is in our actions and societies, we must consider not what is good just for us or for a few, but for all human beings and the planet. We must love our neighbour, locally and globally, above any commercial interest?


Which Catholic Social Teaching fits the following definition:

Human beings are social, and how we live together affects the dignity of the individual and the progress of society. All persons are entitled to participate in community and in decisions that affect their lives. Societies must encourage and enable people to be protagonists, not passive but active players in history.

What is Participation?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

A company exploits workers in a developing country by paying them below minimum wage and providing unsafe working conditions.

What is Economic Justice?

What is Dignity of the Human Person?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

A town council cuts funding for a local food bank, leaving many low-income families without access to basic nutrition and support.

What is Preforential Option for the Poor?


Define and describe 'Solidarity'

What is each of us is part of the human community, and we are all interconnected and interdependent. When one part of the community suffers, all of us suffer. Solidarity is a recognition that we are “all in this together” and forms a commitment to strengthen community and promote a just society?


Which Catholic Social Teaching fits the following definition/description:

Rights arise from what everyone need to live in dignity, as God intends. Rights are inseparable from our responsibility to care for others; to ensure their rights; and to not take more than is needed to fulfill our rights at the expense of others’ rights.

What is Rights and Responsibilities?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

In the divided town of Harmonyville, tensions flare between different racial groups, fueled by local leaders spreading hate speech.

What is Promotion of Peace?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

A school bully targets students based on their backgrounds, creating an atmosphere of fear and hostility.

What is Dignity of the Human Person?

What is Peace?


Define and describe 'Preferneital Option for the Poor'

What is the moral test of any society is based on how the most vulnerable people are treated. God loves all people, but prioritizes and calls us to a unique concern for the poor?


Which Catholic Social Teaching fits the following definition/description:

The foundation of all Catholic Social Teaching is the inherent dignity of the human person, as created in the image and likeness of God. The Church, therefore, calls for Integral Human Development, which concerns the wellbeing of each person in every dimension: economic, political, social, ecological, and spiritual.

What is Dignity of the Human Person?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

At a tech company in Silicon Bay, employees face constant harassment from management, which fosters a toxic work culture. Workers feel unsafe and undervalued

What is Economic Justice?

What is Rights and Responsibilites?


Describe which Catholic Social teaching is being broken in the following scenerio:

In the town of Brooksville, a local family loses their home to a fire, and many community members remain indifferent, opting not to help despite the family's urgent need for support.

What is Solidarity?


Define and describe 'Subsidiarity and the Role of Government'

What is the state is an instrument to promote human dignity, protect human rights and develop the common good. Subsidiarity says that these government functions must be performed at the lowest level possible. Higher levels of government must intervene only when a function cannot be adequately performed at a lower level?


Which Catholic Social Teaching fits the following definition/description:

The economy must serve people, not the other way around. All people have a right to dignified work, fair wages, and safe working conditions. Work is more than a way to make a living. Work is a form of participation in God’s creation.

What is Econommic Justice?