Pop Culture

Define globalization.

Technology and trade has made the World interconnected and interdependent. 


Give 3 examples of Latin American moms' beliefs. 

Possible answers:  Vicks, Mal de ojos, curanderos, lighting candles...

What are the 2 primary languages in Latin America?

Spanish and Portuguese


Define icon.

A person that is a symbol or a representation of a product or industry.  For example a musician.


Give two comparisons of Latin families and American families.

Here are a few comparisons: American families are not as close as Latin Families. Latin families often live together generational. L.A. families would not consider putting their elderly in nursing homes.

Explain the difference between the terms, Hispanic, Latino, and Latinx.

Latino and Latinx refer to those of Latin American descent.  Latinx is a fairly new term used by those who prefer not to identify as male or female.  Hispanic refers to those that are Spanish speaking and not from Latin America.


Define homogenization.

The process through which distinct cultures become more alike due to globalization, mass media, and technological advancements.


Give 5 examples of global culture.  

Film, Music, Fashion, Food, social media


Latin America scans two continents as well as _________________________.  Fill in the blank and give the two continents.

Central America, (blank).  North and South America.


Define global culture.

Global culture is the shared experiences, values, norms, and practices that go beyond national boundaries and unite people across the world.


Name 5 political ideologies common in Latin America.

Democracy, Liberalism, Socialism, Democracy, Conservatism


Name 4 social issues in Latin America.

Poverty, inequality, domestic violence, water scarcity....


Define the term dominant culture.

The term dominant culture refers to the group of cultural values and practices predominant in a given society.


Explain the difference between cultural pluralism and multiculturalism.

Pluralism- A smaller groups within a larger society that maintain their unique cultural identities, whereas multiculturalism seeks the inclusion of the views and contributions of diverse members of society coupled with a respect for differences.


List 5 ways pop culture becomes pop culture and explain what group of people drive pop culture for the most part.

Pop culture is spread through music, television, cinema (film), and social media venues such as Facebook, Instagram, X