Bible Study Tricks
The Fall
The Flood
Abraham and the Covenant

When we study the Bible, we use "study tricks."  What do these study tricks help us do?

Get the most out of God's Word.


All humans are valuable simply because we are the only one of God's creations that was made...

in the image of God


The story of the Fall helps us see that God is ____ and we are ____.

God is holy and we are not.


What was the effect of sin on the people?  What did it cause them to do?

Wicked things.


What does it mean that God's love is unconditional love?

God's love isn't based on us meeting certain conditions or on anything we "do" for Him.


Which study trick do we always do first?



What does it mean that human beings are made in the image of God?

We can reflect His character and have a relationship with Him.


What did God tell Adam and Eve they could freely do?

Eat of every tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


What did God decide to do in response to how corrupt the people had gotten?

Flood the earth and start over with Noah.


Name one of the 3 promises God made in His covenant with Abraham.

Many children who would become God's own people.

God would bless the whole world through Abraham's family.

The Promised Land.


Which study trick helps us focus on the blessings God gives us?  Hint: Stick Notes



Being created in God's image means we can show other people .....

What God's character is like.


Why did God not want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

He wanted to protect them from the separation their sin would cause.


What promise and sign did God give Noah after the flood?

God would never flood the whole earth again and the rainbow was the sign.


After Abraham was very old and Sarah was past the point of being able to have children, what promise did God fulfill?  

God allowed Sarah to have a baby boy named Isaac.


Which study trick helps us "hide God's word in our hearts?"

Memorizing Scripture


Why is it important to know that God created you and each person exactly the way He wanted us to be?

We can be confident we are who we are supposed to be to fulfill God's purpose for us.


What did the serpent do to tempt Adam and Eve?

He lied to them and caused them to not trust God.


What's the difference in believing THAT God is real and believing IN or trusting God?

Trusting as acting on what you believe.  It's trusting God enough to do what He says is best to do.


Through genealogy we know Jesus was in the family of Abraham.  What promise did Jesus fulfill that God made to Abraham?

That God would bless the whole world through Abraham's family.  Jesus blessed the whole world in His life, death and resurrection.


What 3 questions do we ask when we are studying the Bible?

WHAT (does this mean)?

WHY (does it matter)?

HOW (does it apply to my life)?


Psalm 139:14 says "I praise you because......

I am fearfully and wonderfully made."


What did God promise Adam and Eve after they sinned?

That He would send a Man to destroy sin and death completely.  The Man is Jesus.


How does the story of the flood point us to Jesus?

The ark was God's rescue plan to save Noah and his family.  Jesus is God's rescue plan to save all people and wash their sins away.


How does the story of Abraham point us to Jesus?

All that's needed to have a right relationship with God is faith. When we trust Jesus he saves us.