Types of Sentences
Subject and Predicate
Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences
Fragments and Run-ons

Which type of sentence provides information or facts and always ends with a period?

What is a declarative sentence 


What is the simple subject in the sentence: "The cat slept on the couch"?

What is "cat"?


What is a compound sentence?

What is a sentence that contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)?


What are the two clauses in a complex sentence?

What is an independent clause and a dependent clause?


What is a sentence fragment?

What is a group of words that does not express a complete thought?


What type of sentence is this: "Where did you put my backpack?

What is an interrogative sentence 


Identify the complete predicate in the sentence: "The children played soccer and sang songs in the park."

What is "played soccer and sang songs in the park"?


Identify the coordinating conjunction in this sentence: "I wanted to go to the park, but it started to rain."

What is "but"?


Identify the dependent clause in this sentence: "Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk."

What is "Although it was raining"?


Determine whether the following is a fragment or a complete thought: "After the game ended." Explain your reasoning.

What is a fragment? (It does not express a complete thought because it begins with "After," indicating it’s incomplete.)


Transform this statement into an imperative sentence: "You should finish your homework."

What is "finish your homework."


In the sentence, "The curious fox and the wise owl observed the bustling forest," what is the complete subject?

What is "The curious fox and the wise owl"?


Combine the two sentences into a compound sentence: "She loves to read. He prefers to play video games."

Sample answer: "She loves to read, but he prefers to play video games."


Transform this simple sentence into a complex sentence: "The teacher gave us homework."

Sample answer: "The teacher gave us homework because we had no class tomorrow."


Combine the following two independent clauses into a single run-on sentence: "She loves to dance. He enjoys singing."

Sample answer: What is "she loves to dance he enjoys singing"?


"I can't believe we won the championship!" and explain why it fits that category.

What is an exclamatory sentence? (It expresses strong emotion and ends with an exclamation mark.)


Analyze the sentence: "The students in the library are studying for their exams." What is the simple subject and the complete predicate?

What is "students" (simple subject) and "are studying for their exams" (complete predicate)?


In the compound sentence, "The team practiced every day, and they won the championship," identify the two independent clauses.

What are "The team practiced every day" and "they won the championship"?


Combine these two ideas into a complex sentence: "The cat slept on the windowsill." "It felt safe and warm." Use a subordinating conjunction in your response.

Sample answer: "The cat slept on the windowsill because it felt safe and warm."


Is the following sentence a fragment? "When I got home." If so, explain what it is missing to make it a complete thought.

What is a fragment? (It is missing a complete thought that explains what happened when I got home.)


Explain the difference between an imperative sentence and a declarative sentence, providing an example for each.

Sample answer: What is an imperative sentence gives a command while a declarative sentence tells a statement?


Rewrite this sentence to change the complete subject: "The talented musician played beautifully at the concert." Provide the new sentence and identify the new simple subject.

Sample answer: The skilled guitarist played beautifully at the concert. The new simple subject is "guitarist"


Create a compound sentence using these two ideas: "The dog barked loudly." "The cat hid under the bed." Include a coordinating conjunction in your response.

Sample answer: "The dog barked loudly, so the cat hid under the bed."


Analyze the complex sentence: "The scientist published her findings because she wanted to share her discoveries with the world." Identify the independent clause and the dependent clause, and explain their relationship

What is "The scientist published her findings" (independent clause) and "because she wanted to share her discoveries with the world" (dependent clause)? The dependent clause explains the reason for the action in the independent clause.


Transform this fragment into a run-on sentence: "Because I was tired." What can you add to make it a run-on sentence?

Sample Answer: What is "Because I was tired I stayed up late I couldn't get up in the morning"?