
Which sentence is constructed correctly?

a) *A fast Italian beautiful red car.*  
b) *A beautiful red Italian fast car.*  
c) *An Italian fast red beautiful car.*  
d) *A beautiful fast red Italian car.*

d) *A beautiful fast red Italian car.*


Which adjective should come first in a sentence?*A ___ small shiny new metal American robot.*

a) *shiny*  
b) *small*  
c) *new*  
d) *American*

b) *small*  


Which of the sentences is constructed correctly?

a) *I was really boring in the class.*  
b) *The class was really boring.*  
c) *The teacher was bored of us.*  
d) *The teacher was interesting about the lesson.*

b) *The class was really boring.*  


Choose the correct adjective for the sentence: *The kids were ___ after the long journey.* 

a) *tiring*  
b) *tired*  
c) *exciting*  
d) *excited*

b) *tired*  


Which adjective completes the sentence? “The speech was so ___ that everyone paid close attention.” 

a) interested
b) interesting
c) excited
d) excitedly

b) interesting


5. In which of the sentences is the order of the adjectives broken?

 a) *An amazing large old wooden Spanish door.*  
b) *A small red Japanese fast car.*  
c) *A big ancient blue round French clock.*  
d) *A lovely tiny new white American doll.*

c) *A big ancient blue round French clock.*  


Insert the missing adjective into the sentence in the correct order: *A ___ brown leather old English jacket.*

a) *comfortable*  
b) *heavy*  
c) *expensive*  
d) *ugly*

c) *expensive*  


Which option is correct? *A big funny talking new plastic robot.* 

a) *A funny new big plastic talking robot.*  
b) *A big new plastic talking funny robot.*  
c) *A funny big talking new plastic robot.*  
d) *A new funny big talking plastic robot.*

c) *A funny big talking new plastic robot.*  


What adjective should go in place of the gap? *The game was so _ that everyone in the room felt _.* 

a) *exciting, excited*  
b) *exciting, exciting*  
c) *excited, exciting*  
d) *excited, excited*

a) *exciting, excited*


What adjective should I use? “She felt ___ after a long day at work.” 

a) tiring
b) tired
c) exhaust
d) exhausting

b) tired


Which adjective should come last in a sentence? *A beautiful big square old Italian wooden ___.*

a) *beautiful*  
b) *Italian*  
c) *square*  
d) *wooden* 

d) *wooden*


Which adjective will complete the sentence correctly? *The book is so ___. I can't stop reading it!* 

a) *bored*  
b) *boring*  
c) *exciting*  
d) *excited*

c) *exciting*  


What order should the adjectives be in in this sentence? A small blue French round old plastic chair.

  a) *A small round blue old French plastic chair*  
  b) *A small old round blue French plastic chair*  
  c) *A blue small round old plastic French chair*  
  d) *A French blue old round small plastic chair*

A small old round blue French plastic chair 


Which of the sentences is constructed correctly? 

**a)** *I was really boring in the class.*  
**b)** *The class was really boring.*  
**c)** *The teacher was bored of us.*  
**d)** *The teacher was interesting about the lesson.*

**b)** *The class was really boring.*  


Choose the correct adjective: “The result of the match was ___ for the entire team.” 

a) disappointed
b) disappointing
c) exciting
d) excitingly

b) disappointing


What is the correct adjective order for this noun? *A metal yellow modern European lamp.*

a) *A yellow modern European metal lamp*  
b) *A modern yellow European metal lamp*  
c) *A modern European yellow metal lamp*  
d) *A European modern yellow metal lamp*

b) *A modern yellow European metal lamp*  


Choose the correct adjective for the sentence: *The kids were ___ after the long journey.* 

a) *tiring*  
b) *tired*  
c) *exciting*  
d) *excited*

b) *tired*  


Insert the correct form of the adjective with *-ing or -ed into this sentence: *The story was so _ (interest) that everyone in the room was _ (interest).*

*The story was so interesting that everyone in the room was interested.*


Which option is correct? A big funny talking new plastic robot.  

*a)* *A funny new big plastic talking robot.*
*b)* *A big new plastic talking funny robot.*  
*c)* *A funny big talking new plastic robot.*
*d)* *A new funny big talking plastic robot.*


*c)* *A funny big talking new plastic robot.*


What adjective describes the situation? “The party was really ___ and everyone had fun.” 

a) tired
b) boring
c) exciting
d) interested

c) exciting


Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) *A colorful small cute young plastic toy.*  
b) *A cute colorful small young plastic toy.*  
c) *A small cute young colorful plastic toy.*  
d) *A young small cute colorful plastic toy.*

c) *A small cute young colorful plastic toy.*  


What adjective should go in place of the gap? *The game was so _ that everyone in the room felt _.* 

a) *exciting, excited*  
b) *exciting, exciting*  
c) *excited, exciting*  
d) *excited, excited*

a) *exciting, excited*  


Which adjective will complete the sentence correctly? *The book is so ___. I can't stop reading it!* 

a) *bored*  
b) *boring*  
c) *exciting*  
d) *excited*

c) *exciting*  


Insert the correct form of the adjective with **-ing** or **-ed** into this sentence:**

The story was so ___ (interest) that everyone in the room was ___ (interest).

*The story was so interesting that everyone in the room was interested.*


Which adjective completes the sentence? “The book was so ___ that I couldn’t put it down.”

a) bored
b) boring
c) interesting
d) interested

c) interesting