Saturday Morning
Saturday Afternoon
Saturday Evening
Sunday Morning
Sunday Afternoon
The primary topic of E. Andersen's talk

What is hope


The two word phrase that E. Kearon used to describe how our demeanor at church should look

What is joyful reverence.


A dinosaur that gets in car accidents (E. Gong)

What is a tyrannosaurus "wrecks"


The two-word "catchphrase" from E. Hales talk on adversity

What is "Mortality works"

The core concept that E. Rasband discussed in his talk
What is sustaining/to hold up

The two things that E. Hirst and Isaiah both said would flee before the Lord's kindness would depart from us.

What are mountains and hills


The name of a group of salt farmers in southern Portugal (E. Tiexeira)

What is Marnotos


The unusual method through which E. Alvarado's friend had the "opportunity" to perform missionary work.

What is thievery/robbery.


The two words/symbols that make up the kanji for "busy" in Japanese

What are heart and death


This many years ago, E Uchtdorf was baptized.

What is 75


The two ingredients of dynamite used in E. Renlund's talk

Nitroglycerin and Kieselguhr


The two words used 14 times by the Lord in the scriptures (E. Buckner)

What are "My Friends"


The primary theme taught by S. Yee from her experience painting a portrait of the Savior

What is repentance (or themes surrounding it)


The nation where the person who named Pluto came from.

What is the UK


According to a T-shirt, the original handheld device. (E. Cook)

What is a book


The two key principles taught by Pres. Freeman required to draw the power of Christ into our lives.

What are proper priesthood authority and keeping our covenants made under such.


The name of the older brother who taught E. Villar to survive strong ocean waves.

What is Claudio

The truth that scholars described as "reverberating" as a result of the First Vision (E. McKay)

What is "that a man might go unto the Lord seeking wisdom and obtain."


This decade provided the framework of E. Stevenson's talk

What is 1820-1830. (If you answered 2024-2034, you can still have points)


The temptation that Christ experienced both at the beginning and end of His ministry on Earth. (E. Aillaud)

What is "If thou be the Son of God"


The sister described as the "most mirthful" along the pioneer trek from E. Homer's talk

Who is Louisa Barnes Pratt

One or both of the general authorities who persisted in their talks despite a fly landing on their faces and buzzing around.

Who are E. Goury and E. Cavalcante


The prophet that strongly influenced E. Bednar in his mid adulthood.

Who is Ezra Taft Benson


The concept that Bro. Wilcox claimed sets the members of the Church apart from people in the world

What is being children of the covenant/of a noble birthright


Name 9 of the temples announced by Pres. Nelson.

Juchitán de Zaragoza Mexico, Santa Ana El Slavador, Mejin colombia, Santiago Dominican Republic, Puerto Mant, Chile, Dublin Ireland, Milan Italy, Abuja Nigeria, Kampala Uganda, Maputo Mozambique, Coeur d'Alene Idaho, Queen Creek, Arizona El Paso, Texas Huntsville, Alabama, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Summit New Jersey, Price Utah.