Who was Jesus' mother?
Who is the patron saint of America?
Mary Jesus' mother
What did Jesus do at a wedding for his mother?
Made more wine
What is the first sacrament most of us got as babies
What was Jesus' earlthy father Joephs job?
Who was Jesus' Earthly Father
Who is the patron saint of lost things?
St. Anthony
What did Jesus do for a man when he spit in dirt, made a paste, and rubbed it on the man's eyes?
Cured his blindness
What is the sacrament that takes away sins?
How many apostles did Jesus have?
Who is the true Fathe of Jesus
Who is the patron saint of Animals?
St Francis
What did Jesus do with a boys fishes and loaf of bread?
Fed over 5000 people
What sacrament is the real body and blood of Jesus?
Communion or Eucharist
What did Jesus do when he was in the boat with his apostles and there was a big storm?
calmed the storm
Who was Jesus' cousin who ate grasshoppers and honey and wore burlap (very rough) clothing?
John the Baptist
Who is the patron saint of Families?
St Joseph
Name a miricle Jesus did for someone
various answers
What sacrament gives the fruits of the spirit?
Why do we get to go to heaven? What did Jesus do for us?
Died on the cross
Who did Mary visit when She was pregnant with Jesus?
Elizabeth John the Baptists mother
Who is the patron saint of the Pine Bluffs Parish?
St. Paul
Why did Jesus do miracles?
To help people
What is the sacrement that Father Carl Has received that none of us have ?
Holy orders
Name two people that saw Jesus die?
Mary mother of Jeus, Mary Magdaline, the aposltes