there that

what is the definition of - Confederation

A union of, or an alliance among, colonies in British North America


what is the definition of - Coalition Government

It is the joining of two different political parties into one government


what is the definition of - Representation By Population

The number of seats in the assembly would be based on the size of an area's population


Political Parties in Canada 1860    George Brown's belief

Want Beautiful change and more say for ordinary people in government and have a great deal of support from rural people.


what was the first plan of the coalition government 

The first plan was to form A union or Confederation of all British colonies in North America 


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Political Parties in Canada 1860    George-Étienne's belief

Support cooperation between French and English-speaking Canadian


Political Parties in Canada 1860   A. A. Dorion's belief

Support Rights for French-speaking Canadians


Political Parties in Canada 1860    John A. Macdonald's belief

proud of Canada's connection with Britain and loyal to Queen Victoria who is officially the head of Government during this period


what is the definition of - Double Shuffle

when 2 governments were in power within 48 hour


what was the second plan of the coalition government

the second plan was to split Canada into two provinces Ontario and back each province would run its local affairs, but there would be a central government based on records presented by population both promises. 


what are the Threats from the United States

British North America was a large unguarded land that attracted the eyes of American settlers.    Americans believe that it is their right to take over British North America (Manifest Destiny)


What did Canada look like in the 1860s?  

  • It was split into Canada West and Canada East.

  • Canada East was made up of mainly English-speaking Protestants

  • Canada West was made up of primarily French-speaking Catholics

  • It was very divided by language and religion


what are the Threat To Fenian Innovation

  • There were a group of Irish American soldiers who were opposed to British rule in Ireland.    This group (Finians) saw an opportunity to attack Britain in British North American.    This caused great fear and anxiety to those who lived close to the border.


3 reasons why Ottawa was chosen as the capital of Canada?

  • Ottawa is far from the United States border and could be protected from an attack

  • It had good water transportation routes for moving trips because the United States

  • It was right on the border between Canada and Ethan Canada West and so might Satisfy both parts of the province