
who were the two countries involved in the war?

Mexico and America 


What state came out of the land gained from the war and the treaty?
a. Nevada
b. California
c. Arizona
d. Utah
e. All of the above

e. All the above 


What was the border of Texas and Mexico? 

A. Ciudad Juarez 

B. Rio Grande 

C. Quemado 

D. Laredo 

B. Rio Grande 


7 states were sold to America for how much? 

A. 13 million

B. 7 million

C. 15 million

D. 4 million 

C. 15 million


What problem did the Americans face while expanding west in April 1826 ?

a. Expand their territory 

b. disease 

c. a bad April fools prank where multiple died.

d. a drought that emptied their water supply

a. Expand their territory


Who won the Mexican-American war?

The United States 


Which battle provoked the Mexican American War to Begin?

A. Thornton Affair

B. Battle of Monterey

C. Battle of Chino

D.Battle of Cerro Gordo

A. Thornton Affair 


The U.S. argued that the border between Texas and Mexico was the Rio Grande River, while Mexico argued that the border was the ________ river. 

A. Mississippi river 

B. Nueces river

C. Atoyac river 

D.Papaloapan river 

B. Nueces river 


What was the core of Polks campain ?

a. expand the western border for Mexico 

b. Take slaves 

c. to make ice cream

d. to expand the western border for America's Manifest destiny

d. to expand the western border for America's Manifest destiny.


When did the Battle of Palo Alto occur?

A. May 8th, 1846

B. June 12th, 1846

C. December 20th, 1846

D. November 11th, 1846

A. May 8th, 1846


 What famous general led the Mexican Army?
a. Robert E. Lee
b. Pancho Villa
c. Emiliano Zapata
d. Carranza
e. Santa Anna

e. Santa Anna 


What U.S. general captured Mexico City?
a. Zachary Taylor
b. Winfield Scott
c. Robert E. Lee
d. George Washington
e. Ulysses S. Grant

b. Winfield Scott 


where did the major battles take place? 

A. Texas Border

B. Monterrey, Mexico 

C. Mexico City 

D. California 

E. All the above 

E. All the above 


After what revolution did the war begin? 

A. Mexican Revolution

B. American Revolution 

C. French Revolution 

D. Texas Revolution 

D. Texas Revolution 


What year did the Battle of the Alamo take place?

A. 1836 

B. 1812

C. 2024

D. 1842

A. 1836


Who was the first President of Texas?
a. Sam Houston
b. Santa Anna
c. James K. Polk
d. Jefferson Davis
e. Ulysses S. Grant

a. Sam Houston


What peace treaty ended the war?
a. Treaty of Paris
b. Treaty of Mexico
c. Treaty of Texas
d. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
e. Treaty of Peace

d. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


Where did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the war, get signed?

A. The Texas border

B. Guadalupe Hidalgo

C. Mexico City 

D. California 

B. Guadalupe Hidalgo


The American General, Santa Anna double-crossed the Americans and organized troops to fight off the invasion. True or False?



When was the Mexican-American war fought?
a. 1846 to 1848
b. 1802 to 1804
c. 1865 to 1871
d. 1812 to 1814
e. 1939 to 1945

A. 1846 to 1848