What are the charges of an atom's 3 subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, & electrons)?
Protons are positive, Neutrons have no charge, and Electrons are negative
True or False: The # of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons are always equal.
What do we call the rings around the Nucleus where we place our Electrons?
Energy Levels
What is another name for the rows and columns of the Periodic Table?
Periods & Groups (or Families)
What value determines the order of the Periodic Table?
Atomic # (Proton # is also acceptable)
What are the locations of the 3 subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, & electrons)?
Protons & Neutrons are in the Nucleus, and Electrons are in the Electron Cloud (Energy Levels & Outside the Nucleus acceptable)
How do you find the # of Protons, Neutrons & Electrons from a Periodic Table square?
The # of Protons & Electrons are equal to the Atomic #, and the # of Neutrons is equal to the rounded Atomic Mass minus the Atomic #.
What do we call the Electrons found on the outer most Energy Level (ring around the Nucleus)?
Valence Electrons
What element is in Period #4, Group #4?
Titanium (Ti)
What two pieces of info can be found from an element's Period # and Group # (last digit or A-value)?
Period # = # of Energy Levels, Group # helps find the # of Valence Electrons
Where do you find almost all of an atom's mass?
The Nucleus
What is the Atomic # and the rounded Atomic Mass of an element with 17 protons, 18 neutrons, and 17 electrons?
Atomic # = 17, rounded Atomic Mass = 35 (Chlorine)
If its parts are unlabeled, how can you use a Bohr Model to find the Mass # of an atom?
Add the # of particles in the Nucleus (Protons + Neutrons)
What element has 2 energy levels and 1 valence electron?
Lithium (Li)
Because they are so close to full energy levels, what are the two most reactive groups on the Periodic Table?
Groups 1 & 17
Without knowing an atom's Atomic Mass, how can you find out the Mass # of an atom by appearance?
By counting the # of Protons & Neutrons
Find Iodine on your Periodic Table. How many Protons, Neutrons & Electrons are in a neutral atom of Iodine?
53 Protons, 74 Neutrons, and 53 Electrons
If the Nucleus is hidden, how can you still find the identity of the atom in a Bohr Model?
Count the # of Electrons, which is equal to the # of Protons and the Atomic # (A=P=E)
What element has 5 energy levels and 6 valence electrons?
Tellurium (Te)
Between Noble Gases, Metals and Nonmetals, which aim to lose valence electrons, which aim to gain valence electrons and which aim refuse valence electrons to achieve full energy levels of electrons?
Metals lose, Nonmetals gain, and Noble Gases refuse
What are the special traits of each Subatomic Particle (proton, neutron, & electron)?
Protons identify the element, Neutrons add mass, and Electron determine chemical bonding (or reactivity)
What is one example of two atoms with different #s of protons and electrons, but the same # of neutrons?
Boron & Carbon, Fluorine & Neon, Sodium & Magnesium, Phosphorus & Sulfur, and a few more
What are the limits of the first 3 Energy Levels in an atom?
What two elements share chemical properties with their groups, despite either having different physical properties or having a different # of valence electrons?
Hydrogen (H) & Helium (He)
Give an example of two groups that are likely to form ionic bonds?
Group 1 & 17, 2 & 16, 13 & 15 and maybe two from Group 14