Name a point from the Focus, Focus, Focus slide
Read in small bites!
Take breaks!
Test your focus with digital or physical media! If you find it easier to focus with either one, plan around that!
Name two points from the AQ4R slide
Survey: Create an overview of major points of the material
Question: Write or say aloud questions about the material prior to actually reading a section of the text
Read: Read the material carefully and answer the questions you have as you go
Recite: Describe the material to yourself
Record: Take notes or create flash cards
Review: Read the end of chapter summery to make sure you fully understand the content
Name one of the points from remember memorization
Rehearse the material
Mnemonics (Formal techniques used to make material more readily remembered)
Create Acronyms
Name a point from Overlearning and its strengths
Overlearning is when you study and rehearse material past the point of initial mastery, to the point of where the information becomes second nature.
If you struggle with a specific topic, continue to focus on it until there is no doubts in your mind that you can remember it easily.
The purpose of overlearning is to make any bit of knowledge "As familiar as an old pair of jeans"
name a pro from "Take a step back and consider the pros and cons of distance-based learning"
Distance based learning classes are often more flexible
You are much more self sufficient
You may find it easier to speak up and ask questions
Lack of direct face to face contact with your peers and instructors
Name another point from the Focus, Focus, Focus slide
Rehearse the material
Mnemonics (Formal techniques used to make material more readily remembered)
Create Acronyms
Name two more points from the AQ4R slide
Survey: Create an overview of major points of the material
Question: Write or say aloud questions about the material prior to actually reading a section of the text
Read: Read the material carefully and answer the questions you have as you go
Recite: Describe the material to yourself
Record: Take notes or create flash cards
Review: Read the end of chapter summery to make sure you fully understand the content
Name another point from remember memorization
Rehearse the material
Mnemonics (Formal techniques used to make material more readily remembered)
Create Acronyms
Name another point from Overlearning and its strengths
Overlearning is when you study and rehearse material past the point of initial mastery, to the point of where the information becomes second nature.
If you struggle with a specific topic, continue to focus on it until there is no doubts in your mind that you can remember it easily.
The purpose of overlearning is to make any bit of knowledge "As familiar as an old pair of jeans"
Name a con from "Take a step back and consider the pros and cons of distance-based learning"
Technology can be inconsistent
You won't receive immediate feedback
You require significant discipline and personal responsibility; it can be easy to forget or procrastinate while at home.