Plot, Setting, Character
Testing Vocab

What is setting?

I need the TWO aspects of it.

Where and when the story takes place


What is theme?

The moral or lesson of the story.


When we see the word 'perspective' what should we think?

Emotions, feelings, opinions


What does SWBST stand for?

Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then


If a question says 'select two details that show...' how many answers do you need to choose?




What is a plot?

The things/events that happen in the story.


How do we find theme?

Look for the conflict or problem in the story


What three things should we look for when determining perspective?

What a character says, does, or thinks.


In a fiction text, what two things does a summary need to contain?

Plot and theme


If you see the word 'supports' in a text, what does it mean?

For example, 'which detail from the text best supports the theme that you don't always know the value of what you have?'

Shows or proves


How can setting effect the plot?

Some things can only happen in a certain setting, like rain or snow. Also, the tone of the setting can set the scene, like a haunted house versus a house at Christmas time. 


What's the difference between a stated and implied theme?

A stated theme will tell you outright, while an implied theme you need to figure out from text evidence. 

Which would give away perspective? 

a) Moving to a new school

b) Being good at sports

c) Your stomach being in knots

d) Visiting your aunt and uncle

c) Your stomach being in knots


In the SWBST organizer, which letter is where we would find conflict?

B- But- it's something stopping them from getting what they want


What does the word 'reveal' mean in a question?

Example: What does the illustration reveal about the character's perspective?

Show or let you know


How can a character's description (how they are) add to a plot?

(Something similar to...) The character has to be a certain way to do certain things. Characters that are superheroes have to be brave. If a character is a doctor, they have to care about people. 


Give an example of a theme and then an example of something a character could do that would show that theme. 

Examples: Don't judge a book by its cover, some things are better with friends, always be kind, work smarter not harder

Character action: teacher decides.


Which option best shows perspective? And what is happening in the story based on these answers? What's the setting?

a) He unzipped his bag and pulled out his notebook

b) He chewed on his lip and tapped the pencil against the desk

c) He double checked his work

d) He hit submit and put his head on the desk

B) He chewed on his lip and tapped the pencil against the desk

What is he doing? Taking a test or quiz

What's the setting? School


In the SWBST organizer, which letter is where we would find theme?

S- So- how characters react to the conflict is often the theme, and the 'so' is how they respond to the 'but'


What does 'add to the plot' mean?

Example: How does the description of Tom add to the plot?

How does it change what happens in the plot? What is the effect on the plot?


Tommy stared at his friends as they laughed at the new kid. They weren't wrong. The kid was wearing ratty shoes and his hair looked like he cut it with scissors. Billy had pointed out that his name was written on the collar of his shirt, like his mom was afraid he'd get lost and had made a joke out of it. It had spiraled from there. But when his friends glanced at him to see if he would laugh or make a joke, too, he just couldn't do it. 

He gulped and balled his hands into fists in his sweatshirt pockets. "You guys are being mean. He's new. He's probably nervous. We should invite him to eat with us."

His friends stopped laughing and looked at each other in confusion. At last, Billy shrugged, and Tommy gestured the new kid over with a grin. And he was glad he did. Because that's how he found his new best friend.

What character trait was Tommy showing? And how would the story be different if the author hadn't written him that way?

Tommy was brave to stand up to his friends. 

If the author had written him differently, he probably would've made a joke, too, never invited the new kid over, and never have met his best friend. 


Tommy stared at his friends as they laughed at the new kid. They weren't wrong. The kid was wearing ratty shoes and his hair looked like he cut it with scissors. Billy had pointed out that his name was written on the collar of his shirt, like his mom was afraid he'd get lost and had made a joke out of it. It had spiraled from there. But when his friends glanced at him to see if he would laugh or make a joke, too, he just couldn't do it. 

He gulped and balled his hands into fists in his sweatshirt pockets. "You guys are being mean. He's new. He's probably nervous. We should invite him to eat with us."

His friends stopped laughing and looked at each other in confusion. At last, Billy shrugged, and Tommy gestured the new kid over with a grin. And he was glad he did. Because that's how he found his new best friend.

What is the theme of this story?

Don't always do what the people around you are doing

Think for yourself

Don't miss out on opportunities

Be kind to others


Tommy stared at his friends as they laughed at the new kid. They weren't wrong. The kid was wearing ratty shoes and his hair looked like he cut it with scissors. Billy had pointed out that his name was written on the collar of his shirt, like his mom was afraid he'd get lost and had made a joke out of it. It had spiraled from there. But when his friends glanced at him to see if he would laugh or make a joke, too, he just couldn't do it. 

He gulped and balled his hands into fists in his sweatshirt pockets. "You guys are being mean. He's new. He's probably nervous. We should invite him to eat with us."

His friends stopped laughing and looked at each other in confusion. At last, Billy shrugged, and Tommy gestured the new kid over with a grin. And he was glad he did. Because that's how he found his new best friend.

What is Tommy's perspective when he's about to stand up to his friends? How can we tell?

He's nervous. He gulps and hides his fists in his sweatshirt. 


Tommy stared at his friends as they laughed at the new kid. They weren't wrong. The kid was wearing ratty shoes and his hair looked like he cut it with scissors. Billy had pointed out that his name was written on the collar of his shirt, like his mom was afraid he'd get lost and had made a joke out of it. It had spiraled from there. But when his friends glanced at him to see if he would laugh or make a joke, too, he just couldn't do it. 

He gulped and balled his hands into fists in his sweatshirt pockets. "You guys are being mean. He's new. He's probably nervous. We should invite him to eat with us."

His friends stopped laughing and looked at each other in confusion. At last, Billy shrugged, and Tommy gestured the new kid over with a grin. And he was glad he did. Because that's how he found his new best friend.

What is the best summary of the story?

a) Tommy meets his best friend

b) Tommy used to be a bully, but then he changes his mind.

c) Tommy almost doesn't meet his best friend, but then he decides to be nice, so he does

d) Tommy's friends are making fun of the new kid, but, despite being nervous, Tommy stands up to them and says they should invite him to sit with them. As a result, Tommy meets his best friend.

d)Tommy's friends are making fun of the new kid, but, despite being nervous, Tommy stands up to them and says they should invite him to sit with them. As a result, Tommy meets his best friend. 


If a question says 'describe the perspective of Character A in the two chapters', what words do I need to focus on? Why?

Perspective- because that's what it asks for

Two- because if you only do one, you won't get it right. It's asking you to compare the two chapters.