Cultural Appropriation
Cultural Appreciation
Fashion & Art
Media & Entertainment
Everyday Scenarios

What is the definition of cultural appropriation?

Taking elements of another culture, often without understanding or respecting their meaning, especially when the appropriating group holds more power


What does it mean to appreciate a culture?

It involves respectfully engaging with and learning about another culture, acknowledging its history and significance.


Is it cultural appropriation to wear a traditional garment without knowing its significance? Why?

Yes, because it shows a lack of understanding and respect for its cultural importance.


Why is casting white actors to play characters of color considered cultural appropriation?

It erases opportunities for actors of color and perpetuates the misrepresentation of those cultures.


You see someone wearing a bindi at a music festival, but they aren’t of South Asian descent. Is this cultural appreciation or appropriation?

Cultural appropriation, because they are using a religious or cultural symbol without understanding its significance.


True or False: Wearing a Native American headdress as a fashion statement is cultural appreciation.



How can someone show cultural appreciation when visiting another country?

By learning about the culture's customs and practices, supporting local artisans, and showing respect for cultural symbols and traditions.


Why is it considered appropriation when large fashion brands use designs from marginalized cultures without permission?

They profit off these designs without compensating or crediting the original creators, often diluting the cultural meaning.


True or False: Listening to music from another culture is always cultural appropriation.



Your friend loves Mexican food and always eats at local, family-owned Mexican restaurants. Is this appreciation or appropriation?

Cultural appreciation, because they are supporting authentic cultural practices and businesses.


Name one negative effect of cultural appropriation on marginalized communities.

It can reinforce harmful stereotypes and perpetuate systemic inequality.


Name one way to ensure you’re appreciating, not appropriating, when adopting aspects of another culture.

Ensure you have proper knowledge of its cultural significance and seek permission or guidance from people within the culture.


True or False: It’s cultural appreciation if a fashion designer asks permission from Indigenous communities before using their designs.



How can celebrities be more mindful of cultural appropriation in their performances or public personas?

They can avoid using cultural symbols, language, or practices in ways that misrepresent or disrespect their original meaning.


Is it cultural appropriation to wear a kimono for a costume party?

Yes, because it turns a traditional and significant cultural garment into a costume, which can trivialize its importance.


Why is it considered cultural appropriation to wear traditional African hairstyles, like braids or cornrows, without understanding their significance?

These hairstyles have deep cultural significance and have been historically policed or discriminated against when worn by people from the original culture.


Why is it important to credit the source of cultural traditions or practices you adopt?

It shows respect for the origins of the practice and honors the culture, preventing erasure of its contributions.


Give an example of how art can cross the line into cultural appropriation.

A non-Indigenous artist creating and selling Native American-style pottery without permission or understanding of the cultural significance.


What is “blackfishing” in the context of cultural appropriation?

It refers to non-Black individuals altering their appearance to mimic Black features, often for social media influence, without acknowledging or respecting the culture.


You want to incorporate yoga into your daily routine. How can you ensure this is an act of cultural appreciation rather than appropriation?

Learn about yoga’s spiritual roots, respect its cultural significance, and avoid commercializing or distorting its original purpose.


Explain how cultural appropriation can contribute to erasing a culture’s identity.

It dilutes or misrepresents the original meaning and context of cultural practices, leading to loss of authenticity and respect for the culture.


How can participating in cultural events or festivals demonstrate cultural appreciation?

By attending with an open mind to learn, understand, and respect the cultural significance of the event.


How can a person ethically showcase art from a culture they admire?

By purchasing art directly from artisans of that culture and ensuring that they are credited and compensated fairly.


Explain why using sacred music or dance from other cultures in entertainment without context can be harmful.

It strips these practices of their cultural or religious significance, reducing them to mere entertainment and potentially offending people from the original culture.


A non-Black person wears dreadlocks because they think it’s a cool hairstyle. Is this cultural appreciation or appropriation, and why?

Cultural appropriation, because dreadlocks hold historical and cultural significance in Black communities and are often policed or stigmatized when worn by Black individuals.