Anger Management
Facts about Miss Bouma :)

What is a positive friend?

A friend who makes you feel good and encourages you to make good, healthy choices.


True or False: Anger is a sin

False -- Feeling angry is a natural human emotion, one that even Jesus felt at times. Anger isn't the problem; it's how you react while angry that can become problematic.

One day during lunch, you were trying to open a ketchup packet. You squeezed it a bit too hard and it sprayed ketchup all over your face. Your classmates found it hilarious, and now they won't stop calling you "Ketchup Face." Write an I-statement to tell them that you want them to stop calling you that.

"When you call me ketchup face, it makes me feel disrespected and embarrassed. Please stop calling me ketchup face."

How old is Miss Bouma?



List 2 positive attributes of a positive friend (don't try to be funny here. Think of things we ALL want in a friend."

Kind, loyal, honest, a good listener, understanding, forgiving, encouraging, has a positive attitude

Anger can sometimes cause us to feel very stressed. Name two strategies that you can use to calm yourself down when you're feeling angry.

Deep breathing, meditating, listening to calming music, writing in a journal, talking to someone you trust, exercising, remove yourself from the stressful situation 


What is the purpose of an I-statement

I-statements are helpful ways to express our feelings and emotions to others


What is Miss Bouma's favorite beverage?

Brown water from McDonalds!!!


What does the word "empathy" mean?

Being able to "put yourself in someone else's shoes," and try to understand their perspective

If you are mad at someone, what is the best way to handle the anger?

calmly express your feelings to that person in a respectful way


What are the 3 parts of an I-statement?

1) what happened (when you....)

2) how it made you feel (I feel...)

3) ask them to change their behavior if negative or continue the behavior if positive (please...)


What is Miss Bouma's favorite animal?



What does this quotation mean: "To have a friend, be a friend."

Treat others how you want to be treated. If you want friends who are kind, you need to be kind too. 


We have talked about many different ways to handle conflicts with others during health class. In what kind of situation would the BEST option be to walk away from the person rather than try to talk things through with them?

If you think they might physically hurt you or someone else, or if they have already hurt you or someone else.


Your brother keeps borrowing your clothes without asking, and you want him to stop. Create an I-statement to tell him how you feel.

"When you borrow my clothing without asking, it makes me feel like you don't respect my things. Please stop taking my clothes without asking, or ask me before taking it."


What is Miss Bouma's favorite cuisine?



Name the 3 categories of abuse that we discussed in class.

Emotional, physical, sexual


Name two warning signs that let you know when someone else is becoming very angry.

their face is getting red, their hands are balled into fists, their jaw is clenched, they are raising their voice, their hands are trembling, they're threatening you


You really appreciate the lunch ladies making you delicious food for lunch every day. Create an I-statement letting them know how much you appreciate their cooking.

"When you make delicious food for lunch, it makes us feel happy, full, and energized. Please continue making us delicious lunches."


How many brothers does Miss Bouma have?