Pop Culture
Food and Drink
Scince (I'm not biased)

This band is known for its hits "We will rock you!" and "Bohemian Rhapsody"

What is Queen?


I have keys but no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but can’t go outside.

What is a keyboard?


This South American fruit is known for its creamy texture and is used in guacamole.

What is avocado?


This animal is known as the "King of the Jungle."

What is a lion?


This planet is known as the Red Planet and shares its name with the Roman god of war.

What is Mars?


This Norse God of Thunder and has made it into pop culture as a main character in the MARVEL Cinematic Universe.

Who is Thor?


This animated character is blue, but not sad, and he grants wishes when called upon from a lamp.

Who is the Genie?


The more you take, the more you leave behind.

What are footsteps?


Daily Double!
This tropical fruit has spiky skin and can be sweet or sour, often served as a refreshing snack or grilled in savory dishes. But be careful, too much of it might leave your tongue feeling tingly due to its natural enzymes.

What is pineapple


This aquatic mammal is the largest animal to ever exist on the planet.

What is the Blue Whale?


This mineral, often mistaken for gold due to its metallic luster and pale brass-yellow hue, is commonly referred to as "fool's gold."

What is Pyrite


This Greek hero fought in the Trojan War and is known for his weak heel.

Who is Achilles?


This famous director brought dinosaurs back to life on the big screen in 1993, but don’t worry, it was only special effects.

Who is Steven Spielberg?


I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind.

What is an echo?


Often found in Mediterranean dishes, this fruit is pressed to make a heart-healthy oil that is a staple in cooking worldwide.

What is an olive?


This sea creature can regenerate lost limbs and is known for having eight arms.

What is an Octopus?


This chemical element, symbolized by "H," is the lightest and most abundant in the universe, playing a crucial role in powering stars through nuclear fusion.

What is hydrogen?


This king of the Greek gods wields a thunderbolt.

Who is Zeus?


In a 90s sitcom, this group of six spends a lot of time at Central Perk, but you’ll never find them drinking alone.

What is Friends?


I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old

What is a Candle?


After water, this drink is the most consumed in the world.

What is Tea?


This "terrible lizard" with tiny arms and a mighty roar became a star of the Jurassic Park franchise, though it probably couldn’t run as fast as it does in the movies.

What is a Tyrannosaurus Rex?


This natural light display, caused by charged particles colliding with Earth’s atmosphere near the South Pole, is the southern hemisphere’s counterpart to the Aurora Borealis.

What is the Aurora Australis?


This prehistoric flying reptile is the largest animal to ever fly and was named after the Aztec feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl



This hit Netflix series follows a group of kids as they encounter a parallel dimension known as "The Upside Down.

What is Stranger Things?


I am always in front of you but can’t be seen.

What is the future?


This small, expensive fungus is often shaved over dishes for a burst of earthy flavor and is sometimes sniffed out by trained pigs or dogs.

What is a truffle?


This largest of its kind can’t fly, but it braves the coldest temperatures, waddling across Antarctica in search of its mate.

What is the Emperor Penguin?


This famous equation, developed by Einstein, shows the relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light, revealing that a small amount of mass can be converted into a huge amount of energy.

What is E = mc²?


After it was opened, pandoras box let out all evils into the world however, this remained inside.

What is Hope?