The French and Indian War
Salem Witch Trials and women in colonial America.
Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act
Native Americans in the colonial period

Another name for the French and Indian War.

What is the 7 Years War?


Salem is located in this New England colony.

What is Massaschusetts.


This mountain range was where the Proclamation of 1763 said English colonists had to stay east of it, and Native Americans would live west of it. 

What are the Appalachian Mountains. 


The Sugar Act was passed to help pay for the cost of this war, and it also replaced the old Molasses Act. 

What is the French and Indian War.


A specific reason people accused others of witchcraft in colonial America.

What are 1. property disputes 2. to explain/blame why bad things had happened to them, their crops or their animals. 3. As an attempt to ruin a person's reputation.


The location of the majority of fighting in North America during the French and Indian War. 

What are the Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley. 


These were the first people to begin accusing others of witchcraft in Salem.

Who are pre-teen and teenage girls. 


The name of prominent/wealthy colonists who were unhappy with the Proclamation because they had invested money in land speculation west of the Appalachian mountains. 

Who are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. 


This region was most impacted by the Sugar Act, because rum was one of their main exports. 

What is New England. 


This Native American leader recaptured British forts after the French and Indian war with a united Indian coalition. 

Who was Pontiac?


The French and Indian War was also fought in these places (name one).

Where are India, the Caribbean, central Europe and the Philippines. 


Evidence that was permitted in the Salem Witch trials included this type - visions of ghosts and other voices that others could not see. 

What is spectral evidence. 


This was the typical response of English colonists regarding the Proclamation of 1763. 

What is they ignored it and continued to move westward. 


This was the most popular beverage in the American colonies, and colonists would begin to boycott it along with other products after the Sugar Act. 

What is tea. 


Generally speaking, these Europeans had more positive relationships, attitudes and alliances with Native Americans. 

Who are the French. 


This country lost Florida but gained Louisiana Territory in the French and Indian War. 

What is Spain. 


If a woman in colonial America inherited property from her family, and then got married, the property would belong to...

Who is her husband. 


The King of England issued the Proclamation for this main reason. 

What is to create better relations with Indian nations and cut down on the warfare and conflicts between English settlers and Native Americans. 


These were the groups of colonists that would write to one another and meet to discuss the issues they had with Parliament and the British government. 

What are Committees of Correspondence. 


This disease was consistently wiping out Native American people during the colonial period, and there were instances of British military leaders giving blankets infected with this disease to Native Americans to intentionally infect them. 

What is smallpox. 


This man was a 21 year old from Virginia that became a general in the French and Indian War, and lost most of his battles, especially early on. 

Who was George Washington. 


This would often happen to women who were widows who did not remarry, or women by the age of 25 who did not marry in colonial America. 

What is their reputations would be purposefully damaged and their characters attacked because they did not conform to those social standards. 


A group of people in the American colonies that were unhappy with the Proclamation of 1763 were...

Who are the Native Americans and many American colonists who wanted to move westward. 


This is the term that means to refuse to buy goods as a form of protest. 

What is a boycott?


Native Americans were often distrustful of English colonists because...

What is the colonists often broke the agreements that were made in their treaties.