Evauation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in your own culture
motions of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling.
an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm ranging from mild reaction such as a frown.
negative informal sanction
norms that are strictly enforced because they are though to be essential to core values or well-being of the group
general cultural trait that exists in all cultures
cultural universal
not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms
cultural relativism
rewards or punishment that can be applied by most members of the group
informal sanction
a smaller culture within a larger one
the disorientation that people experience when they came in contact with a different culture.
cultural shock
shared conception of what is true.
Tangible physical items produced and used by members of a specific culture group and reflective of their traditions and lifestyles
material culture
a reward or positive reaction following norms ranging from a smile to a prize.
positive informal sanction
genrally shared conceptions of what is good, right & desirable.
the parts of culture that adjusts to new changes or product.
adaptive culture
Feelings that we experience as we relate to other people
social emotions
human creations such as values, norms, knowledge, systems of government, language that are not objects.
non-material culture
physical & material ojects that a person owns outright or has direct access to & conveys meaning about the owner's status.
Objectified culture capital
specific pracitices that distinguish cultures from one another.
cultural particulars
excluded or forbidden from a society. Very frowned upon.
a group whose values beliefs and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture.
counter culture
anything that stands for or reprents something else.
Everything that has been internalized through the socialization process.
embodied cultural capital
anything recognized by the larger society as important to success in a particular setting
instituitional cultural capital
situation in which some aspects of the culture change less rapidly than other aspects of society
cultural lag
the spread of culture characteristic from one group to another
cultural diffusion