Who’s Who?
Documents & Rulings
Joining the Fight
United States Government
Supporters & Rivals

This Continental Army general later became President of the United States. 

Who is George Washington?


This important document outlined the rights of English colonists in America. The perceived violation of these rights led to their eventual revolution. 

What is the Magna Carta?


This skirmish’s name might be a bit overblown… but it had a BIG impact on British & American relations!

What is the Boston Massacre?


The US Government is split into this many branches.

What is 3?


Despite many desiring to join the fight for American freedom, these individuals were forbidden from joining the Continental Army.

Who were blacks / African Americans?


She used a printing press to print political cartoons & spread the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Mary Katherine Goddard?


This Act, designed to both be an annoyance & seem insignificant, enraged the American colonists. 

What was the Stamp Act / Stamp & Tea Act?


This harsh winter battle left American soldiers inspired by their leaders & became a pivotal moment in the War. 

What was the Battle of Valley Forge?


These are the names of the branches of US Governmet.

What are the Legislative, Judicial, & Executive Branches?


These individuals supported the war effort as drummers, bullet-makers, flag bearers, & messengers.

Who were children?


This gentleman was the chief author of the Declaration of Independence. 

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This document provided a way for new territories to become states.

What is the Northwest Ordinance?


The first major battle of the American Revolution.

What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?


This governmental branch consists of the President, Vice President, & Secretaries

What is the Executive Branch?


These individuals supported the War through spying, sewing uniforms, & nursing wounded soldiers. 

Who were women?


This Frenchman gave up his fortune & the comforts of home to join the Revolutionary War on the side of the American Colonists.

Who is the Marquis de Lafayette?


This agreement settled how slaves would be counted within a state’s population for both taxation & government representation purposes. 

What is the 3/5 Compromise?


This dual-location battle was the location of the “shot heard ‘round the world.”

What was the Battle of Lexington & Concord?


This branch consists of the Supreme Court & Inferior Courts. 

What is the Judicial Branch?


These individuals made up the bulk of the British army during the American Revolution. 

Who were the Hessians / Germans?


He helped General Washington whip his rag-tag soldiers into shape - transforming them into cohesive & disciplined troops.

Who was Baron Friedrich von Steuben?


The 3rd Amendment of the United States Constitution was inspired by this Act.

What is the Quartering Act?


Defeat during this battle humbled the British army & convinced the French to join the Americans’ efforts.

What was the Battle of Saratoga?


This branch consists of the House of Representatives & the Senate.

What is the Legislative Branch?


Supporters on either side of the Revolutionary War were known by these nicknames.

Who were the Whigs & Tories / Patriots & Loyalists?