Task Word
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category D

What task word am I? Provide similarities and differences between the key ideas.



Name one method of internal recruitment

Intranet posting, existing staff records and resumes, promotion, word of mouth/recommendation, Email, notice on a staff noticeboard.


Which is the more secure form of employment?

Permanent employment, fixed term employment or casual employment?

Permanent Employment - MOST SECURE

Fixed term employment - similar entitlements as permanent employments but there is an agreed finishing date

Casual employment - No set working hours, limited employment entitlements


List 2 standards in the National Employment Standards.

Hours of work - generally 35 - 38 hours per week

Parental leave, flexible work for parents, annual leave.

Personal, carer's and compassionate leave

Community service leave

Public holidays

Information in the workplace

Notice of termination and redundancy


Define external recruitment.

Filling job vacancies with people from outside the business


What task word am I? Provide reasons why your idea is good.



One benefit of job analysis

Ensure staff have the necessary skills & knowledge to be able to perform a job at the level required

Allows business to create better recruitment and selection strategies, as well as effective training programs, remuneration schemes and performance management processes

Can lead to motivated and productive employees

Clear expectations are established for employees


Referring to the employment cycle, what does the maintenance phase involve?


Training and development

Performance Management


List two basic working conditions that employees might expect from employers

remuneration, job security, conditions of employment - number of hours, annual leave and other entitlements, public holidays, flexible working conditions, work life balance


What is the purpose of Workplace Gender Equality Agency?

to work with employers to promote and improve gender equality and outcomes for both women and men in the workplace


Task word : Discuss. What is it?

Provide both sides of a key idea - advantages and disadvantages


What is the difference between job description and job specification?

Job description - the duties, tasks, and responsibilities associated with the job

Job specification - the qualifications, skills, and experience that an employee would need to have to carry


Name one benefit of Induction

1. Reduce Stress and anxiety that may be associated with starting a new job

2. Build a new employee's confidence in the job

3. Ensure awareness of major safety policies and procedures


What might employers expect from employees? List two.

Be committed to their job, be punctual, follow reasonable requests, work co-operatively in teams, provide excellent customer service, complete projects on time, demonstrate loyalty to the business, provide adequate notice when ceasing employment with the business


What is nepotism in the context of staffing?

Occurs when a family member is favoured for a position and employed


Task word : Examine. What is it?

Provide a clear, detailed and understandable meaning of the key idea and give reason why it is good or give reason why it is bad


The three phases of employment cycle

Establishment phase

Maintenance Phase

Termination Phase


One advantage and one disadvantage of Interview process

Advantages - Employer meets prospective employees, can make judgements first-hand, provides opportunity to applicant to ask questions about the job and the workplace.

Disadvantages - Some people may present well at n interview, but may not be honest; and job interview does not assess actual skills or abilities on the job


Name two characteristics of a corporate social responsibility management in relation to staffing during the recruitment and selection process.

Treat all employees and prospective employees fairly, honestly and respectfully., avoid discrimination, extra effort to give applicant a fair hearing, ensure all are asked the same questions and being honest. No nepotism or favouritism. Take time to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants. Provide employment opportunities to a variety of different ethnic, racial and cultural minorities.


What is the role of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission?

To inform and educate the public on equal opportunities and human rights issues as well as to receive complaints and resolves disputes under the ACT


Task Word : Anaylse. What is it?

Explain key features of the main point, theory or context. Specify how it may impact the given scenario/ case study.

Provide advantages and disadvantages. Provide lots of detail! 


Name three business objectives

Making a profit

Expanding the business/ business growth

Increasing market share

Productivity growth


List one advantage and one disadvantage of internal recruitment

Employees are known so choice is easier, applicants are already familiar with the business and its objectives, creates a career path with the the business to reward valued employees, costs of advertising is reduced

Maybe no one is suitable within the business, can lead to conflict between employees, applicants may not be open to new ideas - set in their way, successful applicant may have to be replaced so leads to external recruitment process anyway


Outline two costs that may result from a poor selection process

1. Training costs, if poorly qualified staff are selected

2. Job dissatisfaction and labour turnover, if the business or the job does not meet the expectations of the candidates selected

3. Absenteeism rates, if staff feel inadequate on the job or feel excessive work pressure

4. Accident or defect rates, and fines or claims, if untrained staff are selected


What is performance management and which phase does this come under the employment cycle?

Performance management is to monitor the performance of all employees and find ways of improving that performance over time. This is to ensure productivity is improved and getting the best out of the employees. It comes under the Maintenance phase.