Evaluate Expressions
Writing Expressions
Writing Expressions
Writing Equations
Writing Equations
3+m if m=4
What is 7?
Marcela collected an unknown number of dollars for the children's fund. Delmar collected $57 more than Marcela. Write an algebraic expression that can be used to determine how much Delmar collected.
What is j+7?
A rock climber is at an altitude of a feet before she climbs another 80 feet. Write an expression for her new altitude.
What is a+80?
Suppose Ruben had 147 songs of the 245 that were downloaded. Write and solve an addition equation to find how many songs belong to Tariq.
What is 147+a= 245; a=98
Kerry and Tya are sharing a pack of stickers. Each girl gets 11 stickers. Write an solve a division equation to find how many total stickers there are.
What is s/11=2; s=22 stickers
Evaluate x-m when m=4 and z=9.
What is 5?
While installing water pipes, Marco had an unknown length of piping. If he cut the piping into 5 pieces, write an algebraic expression that can be used to determine the length of each pipe.
What is p/5?
Tia is 8 years younger than her sister Annette. Annette is y years old. Write an algebraic expression that describes Tia's age.
What is y-8?
Zacarias and Paz together have $756. If Zacarias has $489, how much does Paz have? Write an solve an addition equation to find how much money belongs to Paz.
What is 489+p=756; p=$267
Sadie wants to buy pizza for her friends. Each slice costs $4. She also wants to order breadsticks for $9. She has $49 to spend. Write and solve an equation to find how many slices of pizza she can buy.
What is 4x+9=49; x=10 slices
Evaluate 4m-2 when m=4 and z=9.
What is 14?
Pablo earns an unknown dollar amount of each hour he tutors. If he tutors 3 hours, write an algebraic expression that can be used to determine how much money he makes.
What is 3d?
Each foold container in an 8 pack of yogurt contains y ounces. Write an algebraic expression that describe show many ounces an 8 pack of yogurt contains.
What is 8y?
Clinton has $12 after buying an item at mall. The item cost $5. How much money did Clinton have originally.
What is m-67=128? m=195 miles
Pedro is saving money to buy a new skateboard that costs $149. He has saved $89 so far. He plans on saving $15 each week. Write and solve an equation to find in how many weeks Pedro will have enough money to buy a new skateboard.
What is 15x+89=149; x=4 weeks
2z+3 when m=4 and z=9
What is 21?
Tamera grew her hair an unknown length to be cut and donated to charity. Mala has gown her hair 3 inches less than Tamera's. Write an algebraic expression that can be used to determine the length of Mala's hair.
What is m-3?
Define a variable and then write as an algebraic expression: the number of photos on Lori's phone is two fewere than 4 times the photos on Brad's phone
What is n= # of photos on Brad's phone; 4n-2
Georgia's height is 4 inches less than Sienna's height. Georgia is 58 inches tall. Write and solve a subtraction equation to find Sienna's height.
What is h-4=58; h=62
Luigi is baking chicken and the preparation time is 10 minutes, which is one fourth of the baking time. Write and solve a division equation to find the baking time.
What is b/4=10 and b=40 minutes?
Evaluate 4b-10 when b=7.
What is 18?
Terri bought 2 bottles of nail polish. Each one cost the same amount. She also bought a magazine that cost $5. Write an expression to represent the total amount she spent.
What is 2d+5?
Define a variable and write as an algebraic expression: 10 feet less than the height of a tree
What is n= height of a tree; n-10
A jewelry store is selling a set of 4 pairs of gemstone earrings for $58, including tax. Neva and three of her friends bought the set so each could have one pair of earrings. Write and solve a multiplication equation to find how much each person should pay.
What is 4e=58; e=$14.50
When Sean stands on a box, he is 10 feet tall. IF the box is 4 feet tall, write and solve an addition equation to find Sean's height.
What is 4+x=10 and x=6 feet?