National Memory & Belonging
Non-citizenship & Migrants
Citizenship & Social Class

The act of selectively remembering a sanitized version of the nation's past, contributing to grand national narratives and ideas about who belongs in the nation.  

What is public memory? (Stanley, 2006)


This strategically creates differences between migrants and non migrants in the Canadian labour market through its formal and informal aspects.

What is citizenship as a mechanism of distinction? (Bauder, 2008)


The right to individual freedom, liberty of person, freedom of speech, conscience, right to own property and conclude contracts, access justice in the courts. 

What are civil rights of citizenship? (Marshall, 1940)


An imagined community whose members have not necessarily met, but who imagine themselves as having certain shared qualities.

What is the nation? (Stanley, 2006)


An asset which reproduces migrant workers' lack of privilege within the Canadian labour market, while reproducing privilege for others.

What is citizenship as capital? (Bauder, 2008)


The right to influence political power and decision-making that shapes your community, including the right to vote and run for office.

What are political rights of citizenship? (Marshall, 1940)


An individual who embodies the characteristics of the nation, personifies its values and ethics, is heir to rights and entitlements (citizenship) provided by the state.

Who is the exalted national subject? (Thobani, 2007)


The idea that the kind of citizenship (and rights & entitlements) one is entitled is a lottery at birth, and helps to preserve wealth and inequality of opportunity.

What is birthright citizenship? (Shachar, 2007)


The right to a basic economic welfare and social heritage. This includes the right to education and social services. Arose following the Great Depression, to address the costs of capitalism.

What are social rights of citizenship? (Marshall, 1940)


Because Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island were deemed inferior and uncivilized, their lands were deemed ripe for the taking.

What is humanitus nullius? (Thobani, 2007)


Hidden benefits like subsidies, low fee for service, and direct grants offered to corporations who don't deserve them (Collins, 1995).

What is "wealthfare"?


Certain life forms are deemed lesser and subject to state violence and control, while others are entitled to exercise their human agency and flourish. 

What is zoe and what is bios? (Thobani, 2007)


a stratified welfare state system in which certain social citizenship benefits—social insurance— are deemed rights and entitlements of deserving citizens, while other benefits—public assistance— are deemed a privilege extended to the undeserving poor

What is "dual social citizenship"? (Gordon, 1994)