The name of the organization method, named after Melvil Dewey
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe belongs to this series
What is the Chronicles of Narnia?
These 2 green friends can't stop eating cookies!!
F or FIC means
This author wrote the Little House Series
Who is Laura Ingalls Wilder?
The person responsible for a book's drawings is
The Illustrator
The author of the Chronicles of Narnia is
796 section, go, go, go!!
This is at the front of the book and lists chapter headings
Table of Contents
What are Reference and Biography?
J.K. Rowling wrote this series
What is Harry Potter?
The life story of Corrie Ten Boom?
What is Biography
This is at the back of the book and serves as a mini-dictionary
The label on the spine that tells us where a book can be located is alphanumeric, meaning a mix of the alphabet and numbers, and is simply named this
What is a call number?
This world and series is according to this little fella, don't leave him spinning on that wheel for too long!
What is The World According to Humphrey Series?
The Encyclopedia
What is reference?
At the back of the book, lists topics in alphabetical order, making for quicker research in the book