Commas 2

Whilst rallying support for his plan to fundamentally undermine citizens' rights, the Supreme Leader told the people they were either on his side, or the side of the enemy.

Which fallacy is this?



Every year more and more Americans move to the Sunbelt the climate there, it seems, is irresistible.

Where does the semicolon go? 

Sunbelt; the 


By the old bridge at the north of town we are meeting for a picnic.

Place the comma in the correct place.

town, we


Mr. Barnes my dance instructor was a professional entertainer.

Where do the commas go?

, my dance instructor ,


Shamus pointed a finger at Sean and asked him to explain how so many people could believe in leprechauns if they're only a silly old superstition. Sean wondered how so many people could believe in things based on popularity.

Which fallacy is this? 



The space program has always generated controversy some people believe that the money could be better spent on earth. 

Where does the semicolon go?

controversy; some


Because the game was so one-sided we left early.

Place the comma in the correct place.

sided, we


My friend who was hurt in the accident is in the hospital.

Where do the commas go?

, who was hurt in the accident ,


Luke didn't want to eat his sheep's brains with chopped liver and brussels sprouts but his father told him to think about the poor, starving children in a third world county who weren't fortunate enough to have any food at all.

Which fallacy is this?

Appeal to Emotion


Caracas, Venezuela, and Los Angeles, California, share a common traffic problem both cities, I know, have complex freeway systems and enormous amounts of traffic. 

Where does the semicolon go?

problem; both


Alice wanted to stay home that evening yet she did not feel that she could refuse the invitation.

Place the comma in the correct place.

evening, yet


He read Hamlet Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.

Where do the commas go?

does not need commas


Holly said that vaccinations caused autism in children, but her scientifically well-read friend Caleb said that this claim had been debunked and proven false.

Their friend Alice offered a compromise that vaccinations caused some autism.

Which fallacy is this?

Middle Ground 


The quickest route between San Francisco and Los Angeles is the inland highway the most scenic route is the highway along the coast. 

Where does the semicolon go?

highway; the


He ends each day telling himself that the day was miserable that he should have stayed in bed that tomorrow will be better.

Place the commas in the correct place.

He ends each day telling himself that the day was miserable, that he should have stayed in bed, that tomorrow will be better.


He would not let them fight nor would he allow them to give up.

Where does the comma go?

, nor


The blue candidate accused the red candidate of committing the tu quoque fallacy. The red candidate responded by accusing the blue candidate of the same, after which ensued an hour of back and forth criticism with not much progress.

Which fallacy is this?

Tu Quoque


Raimondo Cavazos, who is the school's top basketball player, enjoys sports in addition to basketball, he plays baseball. 

Where does the semicolon go?

sports; in


Although it was a hot sticky miserable day, Mrs. Marston looked cool.

Place the commas in the correct place.

hot, sticky, miserable


Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films he rented the latest spy thriller and he enjoyed it very much. 

Where do the commas go?

films, he

thriller, and