Isaac and Rebekahs two sons
Who is Jacob and Esau
Jacobs new name
Who is Israel
Ran from Potiphars wife
Who is Joseph
Heal snatcher
What is Jacobs name
Oldest of Jacobs sons
Who is Ruben
Two people who had two dreams while in prison
Who are the baker and cupbearer
Sold for lentil soup
What is Esaus birthright
Sold into slavery by his brothers
Who is Joseph
Number of Israel men who traveled into Egypt
What is 70
Married to Jacob
Who is Rachel
Father blessed calling the Lion
Who is Juda
Finish this: What you intend for
evil, God used for good.
Tricked Jacob into marrying Leah first
Who is Laban
Tribe the priest would come from
Who is Levi
God is in control of all things
What is He is Sovereign