What is the World Systems Theory intended for?
Describing the relations between Countries and the World Economy
What can population pyramids show us? And what do they not show us?
They can show age and gender distribution, they can't show us the cause.
What is the goal of spatial reorganization?
Increasing aesthetic and functionality
What are 3 elements of culture that we can observe?
What Makes a core nation a core nation?
High levels of Wealth, education, and technology.
Poor heath care systems.
What is formal culture?
A law,code, or rule that a certain culture has to follow.
What is a Periphery nation
A nation with low healthcare, education and technology
Trends in population changes over time can help inform policy makers about?
Good and service needs of the population
What are examples of spatial reorganization?
Taking out a restaurant to build something new in that same place
What are 3 things that support culture understanding?
Which type of Nations have the potential to become core Nations
What is a rapid growth pyramid?
when the top comes to a peak and the bottoms comes out
What is the arrangement of people and activities across the Earth's surface called?
Spatial distribution
What is informal culture?
Social norms and everyday practices, not law
World Systems Theory explains why some nations held onto what for so long?
What is a stable growth pyramid?
When the growth stays the same all around
BONUS: what affects spatial reorganization?
What is the definition of cultural geography?
How culture influences the way we act/interact