An Invasive Species is...
What is a non native species that inhabits an area
Aldo Leopold was from
Outdoor Recreation is....
What is activities you can do outside in nature
Energy sources are typically derived from
What is natural resources
Natural resources are
What is something in nature that supports life, fuel, or used by humans
Three broad categories of invasive species are...
What is wetland, aquatic, and terrestrial?
In a Sand County Almanac, Leopold describes
What is wildlife and life in WI during the 1940's
This outdoor recreation requires horses
What is horseback riding
Renewable resources are....
What is resources that can be replaced
Invasive species can be spread by....
What is
Through tire treads
Through boats
Through seeds on shoes or pet's fur
In the essay titled, "If I were the Wind," Leopold says the wind is in a hurry. What does he mean?
What is that the wind is blowing really fast/it's really windy out.
This outdoor recreation involves a tent
What is camping
Using solar energy means
What is using the sun as a form of energy
Nonrenewable resources are..
What is things that cannot be replace or take a very long time to be replaced
NR-40 is a Wisconsin regulation that
In the essay titled, "A Mighty Fortress," Leopold talks about wildlife and their relationship with...
One rule of outdoor recreation is
What is leaving wildlife and nature how you found it
Using hydroelectricity means
What is using water as a source of energy
What is...
What do zebra mussels do to those who wade in the water?
What is cut the feet of the people wading in the water
Each chapter in A Sand County Almanac references what?
What is a different month of the year
The WI DNR promotes outdoor recreation using
Cost makes a big impact on energy. Using alternate energy sources ______ cost.
Environmental sciences is....
What is the study of using and protecting natural resources.