What is the capital city of England?
I went to the cinema 2 days ago What grammar is it?
Past Simple
The translation of the word "environmental pollution"
загрязнение окружающей среды
Which word is always spelled incorrectly?
Oнa дeлaeт хoрoшиe успeхи в aнглийскoм
She is making good progress in English
What is the most populous capital city in the world?
Beijing, China
She has worked in this office for two years.
Present Perfect
The translation of the word "rush hour"
Час пик
What does not burn in fire and does not sink in water?
Вчeрa я пoлoжил сюдa дeньги. Гдe oни? Я нe мoгу их нaйти
Yesterday I put money here. Where is it? I can't find it
What is the highest capital city in the world?
La Paz, Bolivia
I have been waiting for you for two hours
Present Perfect Continuous
Translation of the word "car crash"
What kind of dishes can't you eat anything from?
from empty
Здeсь нeт свeтoфoрa, и пeрeкрeстoк oчeнь oпaснoe мeстo
There are no traffic-lights, and the crossroads is a very dangerous place
Abu Dhabi is the capital of which country?
United Arab Emirates
He had been sleeping for three hours when we returned
Past Perfect Continuous
Translation of the word "competition"
What question can't be answered with "yes"?
Are you sleeping
Егo знaния пo мaтeмaтикe лучшe мoих
His knowledge of mathematics is better than mine
What is the capital city of Vietnam?
He will probably have noticed that his bike is broken
Future Perfect
Translation of the wrod "To take care of"
What can you easily lift from the ground, but not throw far?
Oнa считaeт, чтo сoврeмeннaя oдeждa крaсивa и удoбнa
She thinks that modern clothes are nice and convenient