An apple
Candy Apple Red
Q: What does BMW stand for
A: Bavarian Motor Works
Q: How many countries are in Africa?
A: 54
Q: What is the most common eye color in humans?
A: Brown
A banana
Canary Yellow
Q: What year was the First Iphone created?
A: 2007
Q: What is the world's longest river?
A: Amazon River
Q: What is the lightest planet?
A: Saturn (It's so light that it would float in water)
A Blueberry
Midnight Blue
Q: Originally, Amazon only sold what kind of product?
A: Books
Q: What is the only continent without an active volcano?
A: Australia
Q: What tree do acorns come from?
A: Oak trees
A Blackberry
Q: What is Thomas Edison's most famous invention?
A: Lightbulb
Q: What is the name of the largest desert in the world?
A: Sahara
Q: How many eyes do bees have?
A: 5
A dragonfruit
Fuchsia Pink
Q: In 2009, what became the first Morse code character to be added since WWII?
A: The @ symbol
Q: What is the only country that borders the United Kingdom?
A: Ireland (which shares a border with Northern Ireland)
Q: What are the only two mammals that lay eggs?
A: Echidna and platypus