The Progressive Presidents
The Muckrakers
Women's Rights

Name the two "Trustbusters" of the Progressive Era

Presidents Roosevelt and Taft


Name all three Progressive Era Presidents, in order of their presidencies

T. Roosevelt (1901-1908) --> Taft (1908-1912) --> Wilson (1912-1920)


This reform allowed people to remove state officials from power, and vote for someone else.



The author and book name that led to many reforms in city governments

The Shame of Cities, by Lincoln Steffens


Name the upstate NY city where the Women's Rights Movement began...

Seneca Falls, NY


Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, and Mount Rushmore are all examples of Roosevelt's focus on __________ .



A certain President said that he hoped "that everyone, from farmers and consumers, to workers and owners, should have the same opportunity to succeed." 

Who was this President, and what was this called?

Pres. Roosevelt - The Square Deal


Name the two reforms that came about from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

1) Pure Food and Drug Act

2) Meat Inspection Act


Explain where each of the 4 Muckrakers focused their energy reporting on

1) Jacob Riis (Immigrant Neighborhoods)

2) Upton Sinclair (Meatpacking factories)

3) Ida Tarbell (Big Businesses/ Monopolies/ Trusts)

4) Lincoln Steffens (City Corruption)


What is Carrie Nation famous for?

Being a very anti-alcohol activist who used a battle axe to destroy large containers of alcohol in various bars


Name the agency that is in charge of regulating the sale of all products that cross state lines?

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)


Explain the events surrounding the 1912 Election (provide some historical background, who won, and how did he win?)

TR came back from his African Safari, and wanted to be President again. Problem was that the Republicans already had their candidate (current president William Taft). TR was upset about this, so he formed his own party (The Bull Moose Party) with the intention of sabatoging the election for Taft, in favor of the Democrat Woodrow Wilson (who eventually won)


The name of Woodrow Wilson's reforms of the nation's banking system

The Federal Reserve


Explain the difference between Patronage and the Merit System

Patronage is being awarded something that you didn't necessarily earn, and do not have the proper experience for.

The Merit System rewards people who earned it the right way, by starting from the ground-up and gaining the necessary experience for.


The very first state that granted Women's voting rights



$$$$$ DAILY DOUBLE $$$$$

1) Engaged in Price Wars (or price manipulation)

2) Treated workers poorly

3) Cheated the public out of their $$$


Explain how Primary Elections work

Primary Elections are the 'first' round of elections in the US, however, these elections are intra-party elections - meaning, Democrats will run against themselves first, same with Republicans.  The winners of each of these elections will ultimately face-off against each other in the General Election.  This occurs across all 50 states.


Name 3 different Election Reforms, and briefly describe each of them.

1) Primary Elections 2) Initiative 3) Referendum 4) Recall


In 1904, Pres. Roosevelt and the Muckrakers scored a HUGE victory in the anti-trust cases, and the Supreme Court ordered the break-up of the __________ Trust.

The Northern Securities Company (Railroad company)


The Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) led to what action?

Passage of the 18th Amendment

Compare and contrast Booker T. Washington vs. WEB Dubois

Both AA Civil Rights Leaders before the time of MLK, and both leaders had wildly different methods to achieve equal rights:  Booker T. wanted more passive methods (like MLK), which WEB wanted more violent and aggressive means (like Malcolm X)


$$$$$ DAILY DOUBLE $$$$$

16th - Federal Income Tax amendment

17th - Direct election of Senators


What was the new anti-Trust law that was passed during the Progressive Era, after the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

The Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914


Some of the Muckrakers were referred to as "Crusading" journalists, or simply "Crusaders."  What is meant by this?

This is in reference to the religious wars of the Middle Ages where Christianity was at war with Islam.  The Muckrakers were given this name because they were known to 'wage war' on their particular issues, and would never quit until the proper reforms were made.


Who was the leader of Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)?

Frances Willard