When a person is acting based on his emotions without thinking about the consequences.
What is Emotion Mind.
The skill that would help if you noticed you were getting really angry at your friend and thinking she is the worst friend ever.
What is letting go of judgments.
The words that go through your mind after something has happened.
What is a thought.
What How skills noticing when you things as "good" or "bad," because this can put you in emotion mind?
Catch your judgements
What What skill is noticing what is happening around you?
When someone is planning out what they will do, for example, making New Year's Resolutions.
What is Fact Mind.
The skill you would use if you needed to learn how to do a dance move for the very first time.
What is observe.
After an event has happened, people experience thoughts and feelings, followed by urges which usually lead to this part of the wave.
What is action (or behavior).
What How skills is doing on thing at a time?
Stay focused
What What skill is labeling what you feel, think, or sense?
The state of mind for a student who hears her friends talking behind her in class, notices the urge to turn around to talk to them, and decides to stay focused.
What is Wise Mind.
The skill you would use if you were debating whether it was worth it to nag your mom for the new game, even though she's said no five times.
What is meeting "Wise Mind" goals
Having your friends not want to play with you anymore because you threw the basketball over the fence after you lost.
What is a consequence.
What How skills is playing by the rules, even if you don't like them?
Meeting "Wise Mind" Goals
What What skill is throwing yourself into what you are doing, like your favorite game or dance?
Running out of the classroom is an example of this.
What is Emotion Mind.
The skill you would use if you were taking a test and started to think about what the cafeteria would have for lunch.
What is stay focused.
Heart racing, sweating, and trembling are all physical responses to this.
What is an emotion.
What How skills is not worrying about what happened for or what is going to happen later?
Stay focused
What What skill is be in the moment, not the past or future!
The two skills you use to help get from Emotion Mind into Wise Mind.
What is the What and How skills.
The "What" skill that would help if you noticed you were feeling distracted while the teacher is trying to teach a new topic in math.
What is Participate.
The behavior your might want to do, usually controlled by your immediate emotions.
What is an urge.
What How skill is changing your thought from "That kid is a jerk", to "I don't like the way he teases me."
Catch your judgements
What What skill is notice your thoughts and feelings as they come and go?