True or false: babies can see clearly when they first come out of the womb.
FALSE, a baby's vision is blurry when they are a newborn.
Infants are starting to make what ?
Yes or No: When babies babble are they look for a response in return
TRUE or FALSE: Books are important at this stage
Should kids want to try things by themselves at this stage ?
Yes they are starting the " I can " statements
Babies this age will do what when something is put close to their mouth ?
The baby will start sucking the object to see what it feels like.
true or false: infants will start biting themselves to see the feeling is causes ?
What will a babies do to "influence other" ?
Point at things around them or the direction they want to go.
At this stage should kids be able to know the differences between mother, father, and strangers ?
Yes they should
During this stage what is it called when toddlers try something to see if it works out ?
Trial and error
The first month.
Infants show what they prefer by doing what ?
Blowing kisses, waving, making noises, letting you hold them, ect.
What is crying a sign of ?
baby is learning how to communicate
What words should a infant know at this stage ?
Mommy, Daddy, Up, and Down
What are kids at this age starting to understand ?
That objects have a purpose
When are infants able to tell the difference between their mother and father to strangers ?
By 3 weeks.
What are infants starting to distinguish ?
Smells, faces, voices / sounds
what is it called to be able to understand continue to exist even if baby can see them ?
object permanence
What contributes to a babies hearing and speech ?
Their environment
what is Telegraphic speech the term for ?
to describe two-worded phrase
By 2 months ( 8 weeks) infants will start doing what ?
The infant will start to move their head & make cooing noises.
How long does it take for all of these new developments to happen ?
3 months !!
What happens before the object permanence concept ?
anything baby cant see does not exist
What does Holophrase mean ?
a single word and gesture combined to express a complete thought
What does Deferred imitation mean ?
watching another person’s behavior and then acting out that behavior later on.