• Can be present at birth or acquired
• Normally develops during middle age
• Causes heart failure
−results from the heart’s inability to pump blood
at a rate required to meet the body’s needs
What is Canine Heart Disease?
• Can affect any cat whether it is an indoor or
outdoor pet
• Occurs when an infected female mosquito
bites a cat and the larvae migrate through
the tissues and eventually into a cat’s heart
• Can also reside in the pulmonary arteries
• When mature are from nine to 11 inches
What is Heartworms?
• Is a highly contagious viral infection
• Is mainly found in cockatoos, but is
potentially contagious to all psittacine birds
• Is an airborne virus normally spread in bird
nurseries, pet shops, bird fairs and when
birds are brought together in stressful
• Attacks the beak and feathers of birds as
well as decreases the efficiency of the
immune system
What is Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease?
• Is a bacterial infection caused by the
bacterial organism Pasteurella
• Bacteria resides in the nose, lungs and eye
What is Snuffles?
• Is a bacterial infection
• Is transmitted by ingesting contaminated
food, water, bedding or feces
What is Salmonellosis?
• Can affect any dog whether it is indoor
or outdoor pet
• Occurs when an infected female mosquito
bites a dog and the larvae migrate through
the tissues and eventually into a dog’s
• When mature are from six to 14 inches
What is heartworms?
• Is a highly contagious viral disease
• Usually occurs in groups of cats
• Is passed from cat-to-cat by direct contact
or by fecal waste from infected cats
• Destroys a cat’s cells making them more
susceptible to other diseases and
• Has a very high mortality
What is Feline Panleukopenia? (Distemper)
• Is caused by a herpes virus which attacks
the liver
• Results in liver failure and eventually death
• Is spread through infected feces and nasal
• Is very stable outside the host body so it
can contaminate the air, surfaces, food and
water aiding in the spread of the disease
What is Pacheco’s Disease?
• Is the common cause of heat strokes in
• Is extremely likely to occur in overweight or
heavily furred rabbits
What is Heat Stress?
• Is also known as proliferative ileitis
• Is a serious bacterial intestinal disease
• Is an extremely contagious disease
What is Wet Tail?
• Damages a dog’s nervous system
• Is highly contagious
• Is transmitted by contact with infected
urine, fecal material or saliva
What is Canine Distemper?
• Is a fatal retrovirus affecting the cat’s
immune system
• Increases the cat’s susceptibility to other
• Can be spread by contaminated nasal
secretions, infected urine, feces and milk
• Does not survive for long outside of a cat’s
What is Feline Leukemia Virus
• Is one of the most significant threats to
caged birds
• Infects almost all parrot species
• Is most lethal to young birds
• Is spread through feather dust, aerosols,
parental feeding of chicks, direct contact
with infected environments and carrier
What is Polyoma Virus?
• Is a severe twisting of the
head which causes
coordination problems and
sometimes total incapacitation
• Is most often a result of a
bacterial infection of the
inner ear
What is Wryneck?
• Is a disease caused by an uncontrolled
division of abnormal cells
• Is extremely common in hamsters
• Is more likely to affect the female than the
What is Cancer?
• Is a viral disease which attacks the
intestinal tract, white blood cells and the
• Is spread by dog-to-dog contact
−fecal material of infected dogs can be carried
on the hair and feet of dog, contaminated
What is Canine Pravovirus?
Are transmitted from cat-to-cat through
direct contact, through the air by sneezing
or coughing or by humans if they have
been close to infected cats
What is Feline Respiratory Disease?
• Often occur when the bird is stressed,
suffers from poor nutrition, inadequate care
or the bacterial population overwhelms the
bird’s immune system
• Can be given to birds by humans
• Can cause organ damage and even death
What is Bacterial Infection?
• Is caused by a Vitamin C deficiency
• Causes connective tissue cells to not
produce collagen at a normal rate
• Causes weak bones which are easily
What is Scurvy?
• Are also known as urinary calculi
• Can occur in all animals, but are very
prevalent in hamsters due to their small
What is Bladder Stones?
• Is caused by the bacteria Bordetalla
• Causes a severe chronic
• Is transmitted by contact with
the nasal secretions of
infected dogs
What is Kennel Cough?
Bacterial infection in the kidneys of Feline.
What is Pyelonephritis?
• Is a fungal infection
• Is caused by an endotoxin which is
produced by the fungus
• Mainly occurs in birds with a suppressed
immune system
• Can be caused by malnutrition, inadequate
housing and contaminated feed
• Is grown in the air sacs of a bird’s upper
respiratory system
What is Aspergillosis?
• Is a bacterial infection of the respiratory
system caused by Bordetella
• Affects guinea pigs of all ages
• Is spread from animal to animal through
direct contact
What is Bordetellosis?
Blood clots sometimes form inside one of the upper chambers of hamsters' hearts.
What is Atrial Thrombosis?