Who Said It?
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JW Library

"Take the gold earrings from the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters and bring them to me." So said this man who was later shown mercy.

Who was Aaron?

to the people

Exodus 32:2


He was the armor bearer for King Saul.

Who was David?

1 Samuel 16:21


Once downloaded, this publication appears at the top of the homepage.

What is 'Examining the Scriptures Daily'?

High five if you know where today's text was from...


This original song helps us appreciate our annual gathering.

What is 'Joy of Conventions'?

High five: sing a line or two from the song


"Why was this perfumed oil not sold for 300 denar'ii and given to the poor?"

Who was Judas Iscariot?

to Jesus

John 12:5


Jehovah plagued Pharaoh because of her.

Who was Sarah?

Genesis 12:17


This series of short talks include some given by Governing Body members and are featured in the What's New? section.

What are 'Morning Worships'?


This 2019 convention theme was based on 1 Corinthians 13:8

What was 'Love Never Fails'?


"Do you actually know what you are reading?

Who is Philip?

to the Ethiopian enuch

Acts 8:30


He was also called Belteshazzar.

Who was Daniel?

Daniel 1:7


The 'Meetings' tab features these 2 publications used at congregation meetings.

What are:

Meeting Workbooks & The Watchtower


This straightforward and lighthearted video is a whiteboard animation that helps us prepare for our upcoming convention.

What is 'Convention Reminders'?


"Do not imagine that because you are in the King's household you are any more likely to escape than all the other Jews."

Who was Mordecai?

to Esther

Esther 4:13


She was overjoyed by God her Savior and praised him.

Who is Mary?

Luke 1:46,47


This feature allows you to discover all the features of JW Library through a series of helpful videos.

What is the 'Help' tab?


This city was host to the convention where Jehovah's people heard the cry to "Advertise, Advertise, Advertise the King and his Kingdom!'

What is Cedar Point, Ohio?

High five: what year was this convention held?


"Dis I not say to you, 'Do not sin against the child,' but you would not listen? Now his blood is certainly being asked back."

Who was Reuben?

to his brothers

Genesis 42:22


His name is abbreviated four times in Revelation.

Who is Jehovah?

Revelation 19:1,3,4,6


You will find the Video Reference Guide for The Good News According to Jesus under this section of the Library.

What is the Index?


The year of the International Convention when J.F. Rutherford revealed to the audience what the large letters 'J' and 'W' stood for on the program cover.

What was 1931?

High five: what scripture was this resolution based on?