A _____ was hidden in the stairwell at select house for the Thanksgiving food drop off.
Cutout of a man smiling
This word is short for romantic charisma.
What was interesting on love island? (And was in constant use)
The zipline
A _____ was in the pond at select garden.
Statue of girl
This word can be used in place of "lying". Example, "Bro, you are for real ____ing"
A good variant of steak.
Sloppy steak
A _____ was on the bridge at select garden.
A word that represents something that's fine or mediocre. Example, "That meal was ____"
A store that sells complicated shirts.
When ____ (friend's pet) ran away.
This word means to be "doing a select action well".
An addictive video game that "flashes" at work.
The eggman game
(you're looking at a nude egg)
Ziggy has locked himself a total of _ time(s) in the upstairs bathroom.
When a piece of clothing or "fit" is good/cool/hippy.
The "Do you give?" skit
Calico Cut Pants