同僚と仲良くやっていきたいのなら,彼らを怒らせるようなことを言うのは避けなさい。 [群馬大*]
If you want to ( ) good ( ) with your (c ), you should avoid saying anything that could ( ) them[make them angry].
If you want to (maintain) good (relationships) with your (colleagues), you should avoid saying anything that could (offend) them[make them angry].
私たちが学校に着いて20分したら雪が降り出した。 [水産大学校]
It started to snow [ ].
It started to snow [twenty minutes after we got to school].
If each of us felt (g ) ( ) and (c )[considerate of] those around us and expressed this in (our own) ( ), many people [would / less].
If each of us felt (grateful) (to) and (consider)[considerate of] those around us and expressed this in (our own) (words), many people [would feel less stressed].
私は明日の午前8時までにその作文を訂正して,ブラウン(Brown)教授に提出することになっている。 [福島県立医大*]
I have to[need to/am supposed to] (r ) the (e ) and submit it to Professor Brown ( ) eight in the morning tomorrow.
I have to[need to/am supposed to] (revise) the (essay) and submit it to Professor Brown (by) eight in the morning tomorrow.
Without (p ), the city magistrates, who became (r ) for conducting religious (r ), cared more for splendor and spectacle than for (c ) doctrine.
Without (priests), the city magistrates, who became (responsible) for conducting religious (rituals), cared more for splendor and spectacle than for (coherent) doctrine.
もし若いとき受けた留学の面接試験に合格していたら,その後の人生はまったく違ったものになっただろう。 [九州大*]
If I [pass] the interview test that I had when I was young and been able to study abroad, my life [be] completely different.
If I [had passed] the interview (test) that I had when I was young and been able to study abroad, my life [would have been / would be] completely different.
若いときに楽器を1つ習っておけばよかったと思う。 [愛知教育大]
I ( ) I [learn] (how) to play a musical ( ) when I was young.
I (wish) I [had learned] (how) to play a musical (instrument) when I was young.
WHOは太りすぎの大人が世界全体で16億人に上ると見積もっている。この数値は向こう10年間で40パーセント増加すると予想される。 [大阪医科大]
WHO ( ) that there are 1.6 billion overweight adults in the world. It is expected that this number will increase ( ) 40 percent ( ) the next ( ).
WHO (estimates) that there are 1.6 billion overweight adults in the world. It is expected that this number will increase (by) 40 percent (in) the next (decade).
自分の意見を批判されると頭に血がのぼり,自分自身が攻撃されたように感じ,相手が何を言っているのかもよくわからなくなる。 [九州大†]
When someone criticizes your opinion(s), you (g ) (u ), you ( ) ( ) ( ) you have[had] been personally ( )[attacked], and you even ( ) (d ) (u ) what the other person is talking about.
When someone criticizes your opinion(s), you (get) (upset), you (feel) (as) (if) you have[had] been personally (offended)[attacked], and you even (have) (difficulty) (understanding) what the other person is talking about.
Since the (b ) between being close and very close seemed fairly (o ) to me, I decided not to use a straight imperative again.
Since the (boundary) between being close and very close seemed fairly (obscure) to me, I decided not to use a straight imperative again.
最近の台風で,この地方のリンゴは約5分の3がひどい被害を受けた。 [中部大*]
The recent typhoon (s ) (d ) about ( ) of this area’s apple ( ).
The recent typhoon (seriously) (damaged) about (three-fifths) of this area’s apple (crop).
1980年代後半から若者の科学技術離れが進んでいる。 [慶應大*]
[number / young / who / are / science and technology / have / decrease / since ].
[The number of young people who are interested in science and technology has been decreasing since the late 1980s].
世界では全員を食べさせるのに必要な食糧のほぼ半分が毎日捨てられている一方で,9人に1人が充分な食糧を得られていない。 [中央大]
Almost half of the food (that is) required[needed] to (f ) everyone in the world is (being) thrown away every day, ( ) (at the same time) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) cannot get enough to eat.
Almost half of the food (that is) required[needed] to (feed) everyone in the world is (being) thrown away every day, (while) (at the same time) (one) (out) (of) (nine) (people) cannot get enough to eat.
The evening news on TV says (that) [have / snow / ten years].
The evening news on TV says (that) [Tokyo had the heaviest snow in ten years].
programs and policies have often systematically damaged dryland environments and (m ) large numbers of (i ) peoples, many of (w ) had been using the land sustainably.
programs and policies have often systematically damaged dryland environments and (marginalized) large numbers of (indigenous) peoples, many of (whom) had been using the land sustainably.
今地球に七千ぐらいの言葉があるといわれているが,そのうちの八割以上が21世紀の末までには絶滅するであろうと予測されている。 [神戸市外語大*†]
They say (that) there are about seven thousand languages in the world now, but it is expected[estimated] (that) over[more than] 80 percent of them ( ) ( ) (b ) (e ) by the end of [21世紀].
They say (that) there are about seven thousand languages in the world now, but it is expected[estimated] (that) over[more than] 80 percent of them (will) (have) (become) (extinct) by the end of [the 21st century].
私が生まれた年は第2次世界大戦の2年前です。 [県立広島大*]
I was born [two / World War Ⅱ / out ].
I was born [two years before World WarⅡ broke out].
わたしなどは,もし自分が旅人ではなく現地人だったらこの町はどんな風に見えるのだろう,と考えることも多い。(多和田葉子『溶ける街 透ける路』) [東京大†]
I often ( ) ( ) this town (w ) look ( ) to me if I ( ) not a traveler but a ( ).
I often (wonder) (what) this town (would) look (like) to me if I (were) not a traveler but a (local).
言語が私たちの日常生活にどのような役割を果たしているのか,言語がない世界とはどのようなものなのか,などとはめったに考えない。 [津田塾大†]
We ( ) ( ) think ( ) ( ) role language ( ) in our daily lives, or ( ) the world would be ( ) [if / for / language].
We (hardly) (ever) think (about) (what) role language (plays) in our daily lives, or what the world would be (like) [if it were not for language].
Such stereotyping could put female Muslims at increased risk from social neglect or even, as has been seen in other countries, violence and (p ). All forms of media must (a ) these issues, and there needs to be a (t ) review from the ground up regarding the way that news is (d )
Such stereotyping could put female Muslims at increased risk from social neglect or even, as has been seen in other countries, violence and (persecution). All forms of media must (address) these issues, and there needs to be a (thorough) review from the ground up regarding the way that news is (distributed)
Don't (d ) on such weak thoughts!
Don't (dwell) on such weak thoughts!