What are "Goods"
Physical objects that are made.
What is the definition of "Location"?
Where something can be found on earth.
Does everyone have a religion?
What is "Performing arts"?
Performing arts is some kind of performance or audience
What are "Services"?
Actions that people do, usually for payment.
What is the definition of "Place"?
A area where something is
What is "Polytheism"?
Polytheism is believing in several gods.
What is "Decorative arts"?
Art forms that result in useful products
What are "Imports"?
Goods we get from another country.
What is the definition of "Human environment interaction"?
How the environment affects humans
What is "Monotheism"?
Monotheism is when a religion believes in only one god.
What is "Literature"?
Literature is words crafted to express ideas.
What is the definition of "Government"?
The definition of government is a group of people or person who rules a certain area creating laws and taxes.
What are "Exports"?
Goods that were made in one country and then sent out to another country.
What is the definition of "Movement"?
The study of how humans move around the world
What is "Atheism"?
Atheism means you don't believe in any gods.
What are three types of symbols people use to communicate?
Symbols,Gestures, Sounds
What are "Social Groups"?
Different groups of people that share one or more characteristic.
How do "Supply and Demand" affect prices?
It raises the prices up to a significant level this is called inflation.
What is the definition of "Region"?
A city or town with common characteristics.
What is the definition of "Religion"?
The way many people try to answer questions about life basic meaning.
What is the definition of "Art"?
The ways that people in a culture express what they believe is beautiful or important.
What is the difference between a Majority Group and Minority Groups?
Minority groups are a group that doesn't have very much wealth or power. A majority group is people who have power and wealth.