What do we do at the last 10 minutes of class?
Clean up
What category do these fall under? Zig zag, dotted, diagnol, horizontal, vertical...
What was the art style we were mimicking last?
Stained Glass
What is it called when you draw yourself?
A self portrait
When the drawing is difficult, and Mr. Ramzie is busy, what do you do?
Ask a friend OR try your best
When Mr. Ramzie says to put materials back where you found them, do you keep drawing?
What categories do these fall under? Square, triangle, circle.
What was the main art element/art form of our minecraft animals?
Sculpture, 3D, or form
What is it called when you draw a mountain or a beach?
A landscape
If your friend is trying to play tag with you in the art room, and Mr. Ramzie is busy, what do you do?
Tell your friend to sit down or keep working on your artwork! Don't let your friend get you in trouble.
When you enter the art room, what is the first thing you do?
Sit down quietly and wait for instructions.
What categories do these fall under? Cube, pyramid, cone...
What elements are mostly shown in abstract art? Name two.
Line, shape, color
What is it called when you use lines and shapes to show a concept but it is not realistic?
abstract art
Politely ask another table for their orange marker.
When artwork is wet, where do you put it?
The drying rack
What is it called when something is described as fuzzy, scaly, soft, rough...
Why do we do artist statements?
To reflect on our process/So Mr. Ramzie ensures what we know.
What type of art do you do when you take a picture of something?
Mr. Ramzie told you to put away the ball you brought to class, but you're not harming anyone. What do you do?
Put it away. Mr. Ramzie provides all of the materials you need for class.
When you need the sink or a coloring page, but there are already 3 people at that location, what do you do?
Wait your turn patiently!
What is the word for "how the eye perceives light?"
Name one artist I have taught you about
Kandinsky, Kehinde Wiley, Jack Sachs, Alek O
What type of art is done on the computer or tablet?
Graphic design or digital art
Mr. Ramzie gives your table materials. Do you get up and get different materials that you would rather use?