what year was terry fox born
what was the marathon of hope for
to raise money and awareness for cancer
what was the terry fox foundation for
to raise money for cancer
what was terry fox called to do
he was called to to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research
were did terry fox grow up
Port Coquitlam
how old was terry fox when he did the marathon of hope
18 years olld
what year was the terry fox foundation made
was terry fox catholic
no terry was not catholic
how old was terry in the year 1993
he was not alive
did all of the money terry made come from the marathon of hope
no only 24 million came from the marathon of hop the rest came from the terry fox run and other donations
how much money did he raise
$850 million CAD
18 years old
how old was terry fox when he died
22 years old
how long was the marathon of hope
143 days
how much money way terry fox aiming to earn from the run
$24 million CAD
how long was terry fox's treatment
what type of cancer did terry fox get
osteogenic sarcoma
were did terry fox start his run
St. John's, Newfoundland
how much money did terry fox raise before he died
$24 million CAD
when did terry fox get called to run
he was called to run n 1979