October 10, 1934
What is the day Grandpa was born?
April 18, 1937
What is the day Grandma was born?
Saratoga Springs Pool
What was Grandpa and Grandma's first dates?
Because it was new - Kevin
Who was the hardest baby?
Rochester New York
Where did Grandpa and Grandma serve their mission?
Royal or Sky Blue
What is Grandpa's favorite color?
Cobalt Blue
What is Grandma's favorite color?
"Hot Lips"
What are nicknames they had for each other?
7 of the very best "Angels"
Who was their hardest Child?
"Love your children's mother"
" Keep doing what you are doing - we are proud of you'
What is their advice for their children?
Learning to walk
What was Grandpa's first job?
Every year they would get baby lambs and feed them with a bottle but then she did not want to eat them
What is Grandma's favorite animal?
17 and 20
What are their ages when they got married?
What is Grandma's favorite activity with Grandpa?
Rats, water and biting dogs
What are the things Grandpa and Grandma are afraid of?
"Joy" the pony
What was Grandpa's favorite animal?
Chocolate Chip Cookies
What is Grandma's favorite food?
dating Joan Torkelsen and then saw her younger sister
How did Grandpa and Grandma meet?
Put a foot through the bathroom door
Which child caused the most damage?
He was a jokster and the rest of the kids liked to tease him.
37 years
How many years did Grandpa work out at Hercules?
Ice Cream or Hamburgers
What is Grandpa's favorite food?
Basketball because it helps calm and relax me
What is Grandma's favorite sport?
Picture shows and Smooching
What is Grandpa's favorite activity with Grandma?
Dillon Montana and fishing the Beaverhead River
What is their favorite activity with their friends?
"Love their grandma"
"Be very wise with social media"
What advice do you have for your grandkids?