when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life
food security
this challenge reflects 5 elements, which taken together, can end hunger, eliminate all forms of malnutrition, and build food system
zero hunger challenge
•Eggs can be kept for up to how many months if conditions are carefully controlled
Fresh eggs make a more stable foam due to intact protein structure and what else?
slightly lower pH
the main protein in egg whites
Consumed food must have a positive nutritional impact on people. This also entails cooking, storage and hygiene practices, individuals’ health, and feeding practices within the household
food utilization
SDG 2 aims to end hunger and all forms of malnutrition by when?
They have a natural excellent protection from food safety hazards due to what
their hard shell
Vigorous beating denatures the egg proteins and these form a film around air cells. this creates what?
Hens are fed a special diet of flaxseed and fish oil to increase what in eggs?
this system prioritizes not just the availability of food but also its quality and accessibility AND on practices that protect ecosystems, support local economies, and promote social equity
sustainable food system
SDG2 will require: Sustainable food production systems, Equal access to land, Markets and international cooperation and what to boost agricultural productivity
what role do eggs play in custards and sauces
this type of bowl shoul not be used when Beating Egg Whites
Eggs have an uncracked shell that might have a rough texture, or a slightly flattened yolk, or a thinner white. These eggs are sold for commercial baking, or for future processing.
Grade B
Ruminant animals, like cows, produce methane during this type of digestion
enteric/intestinal fermentation
•Converting forests or grasslands into pastures or feed crops releases what that may be stored in those ecosystems
what phospholipid do Eggs have the which acts as a natural emulsifier
stabilizes the foam, but inhibits coagulation of the proteins, so add after the foam has formed
Eggs pass over a bright candling light by means of a conveyor-Makes the internal contents of the egg visible allowing a determination of internal defects
Manure Management: The decomposition of manure can emit what greenhouse gases
methane and nitrous oxide
how is the zero-hunger challenge implemented
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
When cooked, eggs act as binders as well. The protein does what and acts as an adhesive?
That surface colour is produced when extreme heat or prolonged cooking
sulfur ring
Germ spot in the egg yolk