This is the most popular shonen anime, containing alien species that glow yellow when they power up.
Dragon Ball Z
This is the mother country of the popular food Pizza.
This battle royal shooter game has the most purchasable cosmetics.
This four legged mammal is often called man's best friend.
In the famous Greek epic, the demigod Heracles had to perform this many labours to earn immortality.
This classic anime was one of the first to involve girls transforming into super heroes; based on the different celestial bodies of the solar system
Sailor Moon
The city of Hamburg is responsible for the creation of this food, commonly misrepresented as American cuisine.
This retro video game had a payout of $7,000 in the 2024 tournament.
This marsupial animal eats only one kind of food, and has the highest percentage of members infected by STDs among a single species in the world.
In Norse mythology, the Valkyries were said to lead those who bravely fell in battle to this promised land.
This popular sports anime is responsible for increasing the world's interest in the sport of Volleyball.
Brought to Japan in the 8th century, Sushi was originally invented in this region between the 3rd and 5th centuries BC.
What is South East Asia
This classic RPG franchise with over 10 mainline installments is known for its story crafting and great character designs.
Final Fantasy
This reptile has the strongest bite force at 3,600+ PSI among all living animals world wide.
In Hindu this deity is part of the trinity along with Shiva and Brahma.
This monster tamer anime involves a young boy befriending monsters to use for adventuring, friendship, and battles.
Monster Rancher
This worldwide phenomenon food, involving acidified milk, has its origins in ancient Egypt from over 3,000 years ago.
This video game console has the most copies sold since the creation of video games.
Playstation 2
This small animal is the only bird to have nostrils on the end of its beak in the entire world.
Kiwi Bird
This child of a god is the most worshiped in all of recorded history.
This franchise is made by the creator and author that made the first ever Isekai manga.
This worldwide famous food with Nordic origins has a name that means "To roast on a stick"
This is the most popular multiplayer video game that did not have online play availability until its sequel came out.
Wii Sports
This animal is has been worshiped more, and for longer, than any other animal in history.
In ancient Egyptian mythology, this god was the only known being able to deny another god immortality.