Matins and Vespers
Liturgy of the Offertory
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Faithful
Before the Gospel, what does Abouna do with his hands as he offering incense? 

Priest kisses the palm, back of his hand, and the palm once more before kissing it.


True or false: In the liturgy, there is so much symbolism to elevate our minds to heaven.



What is the Synaxarion?

The Synaxarion is a book that has biographies of the saints, and explanations of the feasts and fasting arranged according to the Coptic Calendar.


What story does the Liturgy of the Faithful tell?

Story of Salvation


Which of these is NOT a sacrament?

- Priesthood

- Service

- Liturgy

- Marriage



Which way do we open the curtain in Vespers

From left to right


What do we prepare in the beginning of the Liturgy?

The altar and the vessels such as the cup, the paten, the spoon, and the dome


The Praxis is quoted from what Book?

Book of Acts


When we greet one another with a holy kiss, whose instruction are we following?

Jesus Christ

  • " If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” Matt 5:23-24

Who was the first king of Israel?



During the procession, the priest offers incense before what/whom? List at least two.

- The main gate of the altar, 

- Before the Gospels on the Mangalia

- The relics of the saints, 

- The bishop (if he is in the Church), other priests, and the icons of the saints.


Do we offer orbana only or do we offer ourselves to God during the liturgy? 

Ourselves and orbana


Name the 5 readings of the Liturgy.

1. The Pauline Epistle

2. The Catholic Epistle

3. The Praxis

4. The Synaxarion

5. Psalm and the Gospel


What does the congregation respond when Abouna says “Lift up your hearts” in the Anaphora?

We have them with the Lord


What are the major divisions of the liturgy?

1. Vespers

2. Matins

3. Liturgy of the Offertory

4. Liturgy of the Word

5. Liturgy of the faithful

6. Communion


How many spoonfuls of incense does Abouna put in the censer and how many processions does he make around the altar?

5 spoonfuls and 3 processions


Do we have an odd or even number of “lambs” in the offertory? (Lamb = orbana)



What books do we choose from for the Catholic Epistle?

James, Peter, John, Jude


When does the bread and wine become Body and Blood?

The Consecration or Epiclesis

The Holy Spirit will descend and change the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of our Lord.


How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?


What is the hymn called where Abouna says “hear us, keep us, and help us” ?

Efnoti Nai Nan


How ought we to be prepared for the liturgy?

Through “washing of our hands” as abouna does…we ought to be repentant and clean before God and we ask him to help us always be prepared partaking of him.


What is the significance of the priest going around the altar 7 times during the Pauline reading?

Doing this is a petition to God to let us enter to the heavenly holies and inherit the kingdom of God as the priest and the people did in the Old Testament, when they processed around Jericho seven times to enter it as the Lord ordered Joshua;

"Have seven Priests carry trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets".

(Josh 6:4)


Who saw the Cherubim and the Seraphim chanting “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of Your glory and honor” ?



Who is the author of the Pauline epistles?

St. Paul